Monday, November 15, 2004

Women It's Your Time Now - Shoot For the Moon

The Powerful Promoter - Matt Bacak

It really is great to get to spend a whole day playing with the family relaxing, talking, planning for the future and traveling.

My wife and I came up with some great business ideas for not only my business but for her to get her feet wet by starting a special website for women.

See here's how it happened.

We really just played today. Then after our daughter went to bed we stayed up just talking about the direction of our business right now. We wrote down what we want to have the business look like in the future. How we want our life to be. How our life currently is. What our values are. Then we came up with a few ideas to make it happen for us.

With a few slight changes and massive action. It'll be very easy to make what we put down a reality.

Here are just a few things that I can release.

Stephanie (My Wife) will be doing a special site for women only. empowering women. Me, I'm going to close down my one-on-one coaching program and move it in another direction. I will not disclose what way just yet... But I can say the same focus of turning authors, speakers and experts into overnight success stories. (This includes coaches, speakers and consultants)

But one person that I will help promote, starting right now, is my wife. This will be great for all the women and for herself!!!

You should have seen her eyes when we where talking about this.

I can't wait for the launch of what she is doing. (She's excited now, and I can't wait to see the excitement once she personally feels the power of my work.)

Here’s to a better life and my beautiful wife,

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak,
#1 Best Selling Author and....
Entrepreneur Magazine E-Biz Radio Show Host
Toll-Free #: 1-866-MATT-123

P.S. I'm Turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into
overnight Success Stories. Do you want to be next?

Your First Step, go below right now and sign up for my "Powerful Promoting Tips"