Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Friend, How Strong Is Your Business Plan?


Hi Friend,

What's that? You don't have a business plan?

Or are you one of those want-to-make-it-happen
entrepreneurs who just can't seem to make it
happen even though you're putting in major
time and effort each week?

If you fit the picture, I have a very important
date for you to put on your calendar right now.

It's August 25, which is this Thursday.

The time of this event is from 9:00-10:00pm EST.

At that time, you can be attending one of the
most powerful teleseminars on the planet. And
it may even be a life-changing experience for
you, as it already has been for hundreds of
other entrepreneurs.

However, space is limited, so you need to act
quickly to reserve your own seat for this
private training session.

Go Here Right Now To Register:


In this session, we'll be interviewing Joel Block,
who is known as America's Business Growth Guru.
Joel is a master at helping people like you
create and grow strong, powerful, and highly
profitable businesses.

If you've been on another teleseminar with
Joel Block in the past, you're going to want to
make a special effort to get on this one too.
The reason for that is Joel will be sharing
a new practical, proven technique with you
that he has never before mentioned on one of
these calls.

Choosing to listen to this training seminar
could be a major turning point in your life, as it
has been in the lives of other driven-to-succeed
folks just like you.

Here's what one person had to say about it:

"I got so much out of this call! Even though I
have listened to many calls over the last few years
about how to up-level my money-making capabilities,
I learned several fresh, new, helpful things from
this business-trainer dynamo. Joel Block not only
"walks his talk," as his amazing income and
accolades prove; he also "talks his walk" and that
makes for a great high-quality call. Get your pen
and paper ready, set, go!"
-Rebecca R. Riales, Ph.D., "The Aha! Master"

By the way, I almost forgot to mention that
this special training session is fr.ee for
you to attend. And you can even listen from
the privacy of your own home -- all you
need is a phone and pad of paper for taking

See you there!

Matt Bacak

PS: Space is limited and over 11,979 people are
getting this same email, right now.

Go Here Right Now so you don't miss out:


PPS: Here's what another person thought about
this teleseminar:

"Joel Block's teleseminar (hosted by Matt Zembruski)
was awesome! Joel gave specific strategies anyone
can use to build revenue. Joel has a unique
perspective and shows you exactly how to create
buyers. Tons of valuable information. Thank You!!"
-Jean Chelin, The Technical Web Marketing Guru

If you want to read what others had to say about
this hour of power, go visit our website right now.



Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
2935 Horizon Park Drive, Suite D
Suwanee, GA 30024

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips