Thursday, May 11, 2006

We need your help to make this great!

Hey Friend,

Josh and I are preparing for our game of Internet Marketing Russian roulette taking place Tonight at 9PM Eastern.

But we need your help!

You see, Josh and I both plan on sharing some powerful information on building you Internet business. But, we
also want to answer your biggest most burning questions during our time together!

So here's the deal:

We are prepared to play Internet Marketing Russian roulette with your most burning questions.

And we have authorized each other to "pull the trigger" if our answers aren't up to par!

So Sign up now and give us your question:

Tera, this teleseminar will be like nothing I've ever done before and I have only 77 spots remaining for this call!

Grab your spot now before they're all gone:

Take Action Now,
Matt Bacak

P.S. This call promises to be one of the most info - packed explode your business calls I've ever done. Plus, I'm going to offer a very special gift to everyone that attends!