Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Free Product Creation Call...

I just finished a great weekend speaking at Armand and Alex's Customer seminar in Orlando.

We had tons of clients and friends stop by to say hey and we kept getting one question asked to us over and over again.

"Matt and Josh, I want to create a product, what do I do?...and How do I price it right?

"On Wednesday night at 9:00 PM Eastern we'll teach you exactly how successful internet marketers create products in a flash!


Just imagine how much more money you could make if you could develop a killer product that your customers would crawl on hands and knees over broken glass for. Grab your line now before it's too late:


See you on the call,
Matt & Josh

P.S. On Wednesday night at 9:00 EST Josh Brown and I are revealing how we've created products extremely quickly priced them right to sell like crazy. Make sure you get on this call by signing up below now!
