Friday, August 18, 2006

How to Write a Sales Copy

Brainstorming!!! - I hope you heard from this word and hope you know exactly his meaning, if not then you're just a click away from Google. When you plan to write sales copy then you must prepare yourself for brainstorming. You see, when I start to write this article I just sit and I focus a moment to see if I'm in the mood for this kind of work and when I realized I'm “on the wave” I just start writing all the words that cross my mind at that time. Whatever you agree with me or not, your sales copy will definitely determine if your product's going to sell or not.

If you have an offline business sales pitch presentation, you get to interact with your prospect, you can even touch him and he gets to see you personally; but not online! There it all depends on the content of your website.

As I said, the first step to write a sales copy, you must be in the mood. You can even compare a sales copy with a work of art, why? Because when you are in “the mood” your acting just like an artist and you may not observe this. When you are in “the mood” you can get the best from you, and your mind keeps on coming up with amazing ideas.

And if you asking for how to get this mood, I can't answer to you but I only can tell you that for myself I a lot of passion and I just look for the needs of the people today and from “tomorrow” and this s how I get in the mood.

And, once you are in the mood, don't stop, keep on writing, brainstorming. Doesn't matter if you are writing weird ideas, just don't stop. After you finish, read it all over or you can pass it to someone else to get his feedback and I most recommend the second option because you can have a different opinion and you can notice if you need to add or remove any content.

Always pay attention for the headline; this is the most important part from your sales copy. Sometimes I write couple more headlines and I read them all several times and then after I pick the best I consider and I do a fine tune, sometimes 3-5 times before I decide to use it.

A good tip I got from somebody is never feel bad “borrowing” some ideas from successful copy you've seen; this because you already have some good ideas to start with.

Now, the last thing you need to keep in mind when writing a sales copy is: “What is the final result the reader will get if he buys from you?” “Build” your sales copy “to sell” hope and benefits to the reader, this is only if you want this reader to buy anything from you after he read your copy.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips