Monday, November 06, 2006

I appreciate you...

Hey Friends,

I'm sitting here on the deck of our Cruise ship off the coast of theFrench Riviera looking at the moon writing to you because...

...after having a chance to slowdown during my family vacation, I've been thinking about how much I love and appreciate my family and how my future is unfolding.

And that made me think of you - I want to thank you for our relationship. You know, it's just the beginning. I like to remind all my friends of that. Everyday is just the beginning.

The beginning of new friendships, thebeginning of new opportunities to learn and the beginning of new opportunities to make more money. The beginning of a new journey.

I appreciate you so much that I want to make the secrets that are giving me the life I dreamed of accessible to you.

And this hit me square in the forehead when I started thinking about you, Friend, I have been holding out on you. You see, I have been advised by wise counsel and the good ol' boy network to not revea lthese secrets to you.

But maybe the full moon is making me crazy! I just notified my office that tomorrow morning around 11am EST to RELEASE what I have been putting my heart and soul into over the past 6 months. So check your emails then!


Matt Bacak
P.S. I appreciate you - Make sure to check your inbox at 11am EST tomorrow morning! I will be revealing powerful information you won't want to miss!!