Friday, January 05, 2007

“Could you pass this Internet Business Quiz?”

Here’s a short quiz. See if you know the correct answers.

1) True or False: You need to create your own product in or to run an Internet business.

2) True or False: Not only do you need to create your own product, but you need to create it before you start building a subscriber list.

3) True or False: Creating and controlling markets is only be achieved by big, brick and mortar companies.

4) True or False: If you have a huge subscriber list then you will automatically make bundles of cash.

What were your answers? Guess what. The answer to all of these questions is FALSE! These are common myths about running an Internet business. Don’t fall prey to these misconceptions. Let’s investigate each myth in more detail.

Myth #1: You need to create your own product in or to run an Internet business.

Nope! The beauty of the Internet is that you can use as a promotional vehicle. You can promote the products of other Internet entrepreneurs. You can sign up to become an affiliate for several programs. You can also create joint ventures. In fact, it has been proven that you can make one million dollars promoting the products of other Internet businesses.

Myth #2: Not only do you need to create your own product, but you need to create it before you start building a subscriber list.

No way! Remember, you can promote other people’s products. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a product before you start a subscriber list. In fact, you should start building your subscriber list right now! Don’t wait. Start promoting and building up the clientele so that you have eager takers when you promote your first product.

Myth #3: Creating and controlling markets is only be achieved by big, brick and mortar companies.

No way! You have the power to create and control markets if you know how. The key is to find subscribers that want your products and services. You can create your own market by surveying subscribers to see what they need. Find out what they need and give it to them. Embed yourself in a niche, learn about its customers, and there you go – you control the market!

Myth #4: If you have a huge subscriber list then you will automatically make bundles of cash.

Wrong-o-matic! Quantity does not beget sales. Instead, you need to focus on a quality subscriber list. A higher quality list will contain subscribers that are actually interested in and will purchase your products. That being said, never, never, never buy a list of email addresses. This type of list has zero quality and will label you a spammer.

How did you do on the quiz? If you didn’t answer all the questions correctly, do you understand the answers now? Hope you do because your competitors do!

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