Thursday, August 16, 2007

“Top Spot on Google? You can grab it!”

What search engine do you think is the most popular search engine today? Is it MSN, Yahoo, or Google? If you answered “Google” then you are correct. Google is the search engine that millions of Internet users turn to everyday. People use Google to find information that answers their question or problem.

Let’s say that you run a website in a niche area. You want people to find your website and services through Google. You have created a website, but haven’t seen much traffic. The key to an increase in traffic is to get your website in front of these Google users.

People who search on Google usually only click on the first few links. Often only the first link in the search engine results. Why? For one reason, many people think that the top ranked listing has the most credibility. They believe that the top listing has the highest status in the niche. So you want to make sure that your website is listed at the top of Google.

You can kick up your website to the top of Google by sending out press releases. Press releases are an extremely effective online marketing tool. However, the press releases you write are going to be different then the press releases of times gone by. In online press releases, your keywords are what make the difference between success and failure. Every word you put in the press release should be a keyword.

Press releases have distinct advantages in that they give you instant credibility. You would be surprised by who contacts you after seeing your press release. You may be asked to be interviewed on a popular TV show or news show. Basically, the media will initiate contact with you instead of you pounding the pavement trying to line up media gigs.

Press releases drive massive amounts of traffic to your website. Remember, your press release is based off of keywords and new content. And what do Internet search engine crawlers love? The answer is keywords and updated content. So you should send out press releases all the time!

Send out press releases today and watch your Google ranking increase by tonight!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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