Saturday, January 12, 2008

“Your mind is your best weapon”

Change can happen in an instant. Change begins at the roots. Your thoughts lead to actions which lead to results. If you can change the programming that is in your mind then we can change the results.

You can install and imprint new possibilities into your mind. You can change your mode of thinking. It is possible. Think about your relationships. Have you ever had a friend for years that you trusted? Let's say that you recently found out from others that this friend was talking behind your back. At first you may not believe it because you have known this friend for years and trust them. Then you ask others and find out that your friend really is saying bad things about you. So you change your mind about this friend. This is a prime example of how you can change your beliefs.

There are three things you need to make a permanent change which include:

1.) High impact. The change has to make a dent in the structures that are already there. The cells of the body must be involved. You can't just sit there and listen to somebody. Instead, you have to engage your mind, body, and voice to make a change.

2.) High frequency. You are constantly exposed to the new information in a variety of formats.

3.) Ongoing support. Continuously feed yourself with information. For example, you can expose yourself to the same information over and over again until it sets in.

It's all about changing your neurological pathways. You literally reprogram your mind and how you perceive and act on information. Everything starts in your mind.

Tip: Rich people are always willing to learn and grow. Poor people already think they know everything.

Deal with your mind and your character. These are at the root of who you are. These will determine your choices and your actions. These actions will determine your results. For example, you may have exceptional negotiation skills, but a weak character. Nobody will do business with you because of your weak character.

Who are you as a person? What are your traits? Are you a person that not only create wealth, but grow it as well? A person that is successful is a person that is bigger than problems. They realize that problems will always exist. They have to deal with the problem and move on. If you whine and quit then you're thought pattern is not suited for making money. You will always remain poor.

Tip: Rich people don't blame others for their failures. They accept responsibility, learn from it, and move on. Poor people blame others and always stay poor as a result of this mentality.

If you want to be a success then be a success. This may seem repetitive, but it means to be a successful person on the inside. If you are successful as a person then you will be successful in everything that you do. You should work on yourself because it will affect everything that you do.

Tip: Follow and model rich people. This should be your new mantra.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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