Tuesday, March 18, 2008

“How to Get Visitors Who Opt-in To Your Squeeze Page to Land on Your Product Offer Page”

You have people sign up to your opt-in form, but after they do this you now wish to re-direct them to your product or product offer page. How do you accomplish this you wonder?

Well, there are actually two ways to go about doing this:

The first way is to configure this in your Autoresponse Plus account. Sign into your account and look at the blue menu bar that runs along the top of the page. It should give you various options such as “Autoresponder Subscribers”, “Link Tracking”, “Tracking Tags”, etc. Keep reading it all the way across until you come to “System”. If you mouse over that word you will see a drop-down menu appear. In the drop-down list select “Settings”. This will lead you to the settings page where you want to click on “Default URL” or “Success URL”. By doing this you can identify the URL that people are landing on after they subscribe successfully. Once you identify this information, look for an area to submit the URL you would like to direct your visitors to. After you find this, you are going to enter the name of the URL you want people to land on, whatever domain you choose (for example, http://www.XYZproduct.com).

The second way to accomplish this is by going inside Autoresponse Plus. You will see something that says, “Tracking Tags” in the menu bar, where you will be able to create a tag that tracks when a visitor signs up, completes the form and hits enter. After you create a tag, you will have to make sure you copy it and add this same tracking tag to your opt-in sign up form. Whenever somebody fills the form out with the attached tag they will be automatically re-directed to that page.

So, using either of these two methods will get the job done. It is totally up to you which method you want to use. Both ways are quick and easy.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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