Saturday, September 06, 2008

Why won't he just shut up?

Joel Comm apparently can't keep a secret.

For some reason, he took it upon himself to tell the stories of
ordinary people who have made some very extraordinary achievements.

You may know Joel as the guy who figured out how to make Google's
Adsense a money-pumping oil well and then turned around and wrote a
New York Times best-selling book about it (The Adsense Code)...

...pulling back the curtain so the rest of us can do what he has done.

Many who implemented his recommendations generated significant passive
income which continues to this day.

This time, instead of reverse engineering a specific method of making
money online, he instead has many of the top internet entrepreneurs in
his sights.

- Why did they decide to start selling online?
- What were they doing before they started selling online?
- Were there any specific, duplicatable qualities that made them successful?

If you've ever wished you could have a personal conversation with one
of the top internet marketers and ask how they made the transition
from "normal" life to Internet Marketing rock star, Joel has gone out
and done it, and more.

He cornered over forty internet marketers and forced them to document
how they began, what makes them tick...

And not only that, he dug deep and provided us with the rich
background of the trailblazers who "laid the tracks" so the Internet,
the Web, hypertext, and the browser -which we all take for granted
now-- could be developed, enjoyed and used in our businesses every

He's given us the inside scoop on:

- The guy who predicted hypertext... in 1945?
- The first spam message, unleashed in 1982.
- The inventor of the modern browser, the "key" that makes internet
marketing what it is today.

Joel takes us back to the "glory days" of dialup connections with 300
baud modems and leads us in a revealing romp to the present...

Providing keen insight into the mindset of those early pioneers ...
many of whom are still active in the marketplace today.

You can get your very own copy of this piece of Internet Marketing
history on August 1: Joel's new book, Click Here to Order.

With all the fervor of a tent-revival evangelist, Joel retells stories such as:

- How the Army helped Mark Joyner become a millionaire (read page 129
and see how he could have learned the lesson without the Army).
- Why Declan Dunn became known as "the online guy" (page 64).
- The event where the "Unknown Copywriter" was christened (were you
there? And who is this mysterious person? Read page 79 to find out).
- The fourteen year old girl who started a simple website that will
pay her way through college (page 86).
- One of today's top marketers who walked out of a job interview at
IBM because the interviewer didn't like his tie (no about it
on page 181).

If you're one of the "gang", get in line to get your copy. If you want
to figure out how these "average Joes" learned how to turn their
computers into ATMs, then you will definitely want to claim your copy
of this book.

Click Here To Order is a front row seat to one of the year's can't miss shows.

You will want to grab your own personal copy as soon as it becomes available.

To get on the priority notification list, go to this website right now:

Matt Bacak

P.S. Make sure you read pages 178 - 186 because I was
totally shocked to see what he said on those pages.

P.P.S. What are you waiting for? To get Joel
Comm's new book, where he blows the cover off of
the Internet Marketers' vault of secrets, go to:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536