Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Time-sensitive email marketing tip...

The Powerful Promoter - Matt Bacak

Hi Friend,

This is a time-sensitve email marketing tip.
(You'll see why in a sec)

When your sending out emails, make
sure that you send it to the right
target market first. But while your
writing it make sure that you add
in some benefits.

I goof up, I test and find out what works.

First, think about the email subject
line then write your email from there.

FYI: Your subject line gets people to
open up your email and read it.

Alway's always, make sure that you
have a call to action to get people
to respond to your email or offer.

It's really a short sales letter.

Here a bonus idea to think about,
the subject line is very important
if no one opens it up, no one will
read it. It's like a headline of
the newspaper.

Here is a example email that I just
sent out to my other list.

You are invited if you want to get
on, but I must let you know that it's
filling up real fast. Read quickly.


Matt Bacak

P.S. Here is the example:

Subject: Friend, Turn $1000 into $37,500 in one day...

Hi Friend,

Turn $1000 into $37,500 in one day...

That's what you would have done today
if you could have talked to Chris Verhaegh

Click Here to Subscribe

Oh, you should see this email that Chris
and I have been sending back and forth,
he's the guy that I'm interviewing on my
telecall this Thursday night.

>From Chris:

"$1000 becoming $37,500 in one day is a very real possibility.

It would be hard to get the following possibility: Actual low yesterday
was .15 high today was $8.00. If you could have bought at low of yesterday
and sold at high of today, $990 would have become $52,800... Just because
you can't always get the low and the high.

Not a bad day.


His emails ends here...

That's the kind of powerful information
that Chris teaches on the call. Just Imagine
what Christmas would be for you.

What If you had a stock that
went up 4,000% just like that.

Don't imagine it, just jump on
the telecall because there is still
a few lines left for this call.

Go here Right Now and signup:

Click Here to Subscribe

See you on the call,

Matt Bacak

P.S. This call is filling up fast. Go here
right now and sign up before its to late.

Click Here to Subscribe