Thursday, September 15, 2005

7 Common Mistakes People

7 Common Mistakes People Make With Press Releases
by Matt Bacak

Dear Friend,

As a #1 Best Selling Author and one of The Most Powerful Promoters
in the World, I have seen the world's best and worst press releases.So I have compiled for you the most common errors.Warning: A bad press release can hurt you!Because you don't get a second chance to correct the negative impressions left by a poorly written release.

So here are the 7 Most Common Mistakes:
1. All Upper Case Characters - Never submit a press release in all upper case characters.
The headline and body of your press release should be in proper case.
2. Grammatical Errors - I would recommend that you proof read, edit and reproof read your press release.
3. Lack of Content - Press releases get rejected if they don't have enough content. So you might
want to answer who, what, where, when, why and how to ensure a complete press release.
4. Press Releases that Scream BUY ME! - Do not write your press release like an advertisement. Remember that journalists are NOT your marketing partners. Their job is to relay information to their audience, not to sell. A good press release informs the media. If your press release screams, BUY ME, then you might want to consider reworking your release.
5. Spam Words - Make sure that your press release doesn't contain too many "Spam phrases" or it will be caught in the spam filters and never reach its destinations. (Especially if you are submitting it on the internet)
6. Word Wrapping - Let your sentences wrap naturally. Don't try to add returns to create shorter lines.
7. Poor E-mail Customer Service – Imagine that you go on vacation and a prospect emails you in reply to a press release, then they get your auto-reply "I'm out of town" email. You won't be a happy camper. I'd make sure you use an email address that’s not your main address and that you could forward to an assistant whenever you are not available.
Here is a check list of the most common mistakes that you'll want for the future.
1. All Upper Case Characters
2. Grammatical Errors
3. Lack of Content
4. Press Releases that Scream BUY ME!
5. Spam Words
6. Word Wrapping
7. Poor E-mail Customer ServiceAlways remember to promote yourself and your business!
Matt BacakThe Powerful Promoter

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips