Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How To Publish An eBook

How To Publish An eBook in 29 days or less
By Matt Bacak and Glenn Dietzel

How To Publish An eBookin 29 days or less
By Matt Bacak and Glenn Dietzel
This is Matt Basic - The Powerful Promoter. We are going to record this call tonight, so you’re gonna be able to listen to it. So we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight. Glenn should be on very, very shortly. Glen, are you actually on right now?

Matt, I just got on.

Oh great! Well good! We’re gonna have a great time tonight. I enjoyed talking to you a little bit earlier today.


Uh, there’s a lot of valuable information that we’re gonna be receiving today. This is Matt Basic – The Power Promoter, and if you’re looking for the Power Hour, you are at the right place. Glenn, we’re gonna have a good time tonight. And you guys that are listening right now, we’re gonna have a lot of fun.

Well, we’ve met in Atlanta, at the Success Mania. Wasn’t that correct?

Yes, that’s correct. Yeah, it’s just about three months ago now. It’s hard to believe its been that long.

Before we get started, you guys that are sitting there, make sure that you grab a piece of paper, and also, if you’ve got a drink around you, grab a drink, and sit back and relax! You’re gonna have fun! Glenn, um, well actually, I’ll let you guys know, that Glenn and I met three months ago like he said in Atlanta, at Success Mania. While we were there, we sat down and talked, and we had such a great time, and kind of, you’ve got a thing, you just launched a new thing, called “Awaken The Author Within”, haven’t you?

That’s correct Matt. See, I’ve been online for just about three years now. In my first two years, I launched a site called “Teacher E-books”, and my focus was to encourage educators to become published authors. And, I , over the course of the last few months, have tweaked my….who I’m reaching and I’ve launched a new site called AwakenTheAuthorWithin.com.

Now, kind of …. give me a little bit of what you are doing right now? Actually… actually, some of my coaching students are actually your coaching students. So I know you are that you are doing some amazing things right now. Can you kind of explain to us, what you’re doing and kinda give us some tips?

Sure, Matt. That’s….that’s a really loaded question. I’ll give you a few items here, and the you can….

Well before… before we go that route, let’s get you know, let’s… there’s a lot of people on here..there’s a lot of…. actually, the people that are on here are actually authors, speakers, they’re experts, and really isn’t the target market that you’re searching for right now. But a lot of people, who are all wanting to create an E-book. And, um, you’ve got the strategies to make that happen – don’t you?

Uh – I certainly do. That’s my area of expertise. It’s my area of passion.

Well good! Well, so, if we were going to get started right now, creating an E-Book, what would you suggest that we did?

Well, the first thing you wanna do, uh - I guess there’s two ways, to approach that. If you’re already an author, you’re looking at another way to market you expertise. And the best way to market you expertise, I believe, is online. Because you’ve got potentially a world-wide audience, that fitts your niche. And they’re available there for you 24/7. It’s a great way to leverage your time. And you can make use of all of the benefits and the attributes of what E-Book technology can do for you.

Kind of one interesting fact that I just came…stumbled upon this week, Matt, I was reading an E-marketer, and they said that, near the end.. by the end of 2005 E-books will account for about 10% of all consumer books sold, worldwide. And they said, furthermore, that electronic versions of books or manuals, magazines, E-Books especially, are gaining in popularity. And they cited that, uh, by the year… I believe it was within 5 years it will be 8 Billion dollars worth of sales, in this area, so. And that’ll be.. that’ll represent 18% of anything that’s published. So it’s a huge market, And um, a little bit more at home here, I’m Canadian – I live in Sarnia.

You couldn’t tell that though. You don’t talk like that.

(Laughs..) That’s right, yeah. Hadn’t said “about’ yet right..

Or niche.

Yes, that’s right yeah. Exactly. But um, the Internet content, with respect to the United States, um 21 million people by the end of last year… um 21 million people purchased something online. And that’s gonna rise to, they said to 128 million by the year 2006.


And um…one really interesting stat that I stumbled upon, again, and this is out of Forbes magazine, that 42% of people that bought online content, and they bought it online because it was the only place that they could get it.

Wow! That’s absolutely amazing! So – I’m sitting here right now, and I’m like…I’ve got all this amazing.. I’ve got this information inside of myself and I wanna get it out there, I mean you have tons of things…. I mean you can actually help people get there you know, you know, take it.. get it out of there… help pull it out of them, and awaken that author within and start getting ‘em started right?

That’s correct. As I said, I..I.. work with two types of people. I work with a person that has a print book, that wants to be able to turn it into an E-Book. Have it published, I only say turn it into an E-Book, they may have it published in another format. And begin to take.. um.. begin to use the Internet, and leverage their time. And also to be able to build mul..

What do you.. what do you mean about leveraging your time?

Well, leveraging your time is all about creating, or working as if you had thousands of hours, for example, in a day, as opposed to 24 hours. And you can do that by setting up an E-Book to sell on your own site, where people can download it at their leisure. You can be out playing with your kids, vacationing. Everything is done on Auto-Pilot. And you can also have an.. and army of affiliates who are selling your E-Book all over the world. And so by doing that you are definitely creating more time, um.. using the concept called ‘leverage’.

Yeah, you’ll get a whole lot of time back.. (Laughs)

No question about that, I’ll tell ya. ( Laughs) It’s about working smarter, and not harder. We all work hard, we all want to do a good job. But it’s about really getting focused, and really putting your effort where your going to be able to generate the most income. So it’s really trading time… er…trading...you’re.. the best time that you can, um – for the, um – maximum number of dollars that it will create for you.

Yeah. It seems like you kinda said, you started at the beginning.. what.. three years ago?

That’s correct. Yeah. I started three years ago. And I am a Vice-Principal in a school. I will be leaving my job in a few months. My business, as you know Matt, I’m up all night coaching people, authoring, getting material out, helping people globally get their E-Books out in record time.

And I did a.. what I started out doing was, I figured.. I had a target market , my target market was educators globally. The mistake that I made was believing that I could find the ones that were interested in getting an E-Book out quickly and efficiently. And there is a lot of inertia in the educational field.

Wait - hold on. Inertia… what do you mean by Inertia?

Inertia – I mean like, you’ve got a rock sitting on your driveway, it’s not gonna move unless someone applies a force to it and gets that rock out of the way.

(…Laughs..) …

I’m talking most of us have mental inertia. We have a dream, but we never act on that dream because of self-doubt. So.. and Inertia can come in many ways, but I was trying to create a market that was taking me too long. And after I did, I got down to just taking a market survey, looking at who was coming to my site, who was purchasing my materials and I quickly realized, it’s corny, I just realized.. I had already .. I guess.. realized in my heart that it was non-educators. And hence, I have realigned my focus now with where I know my… where I know the business is at. And that’s one of the keys.


You have to find a hungry market.

Absolutely. You know, you said something that’s very… is absolutely true. I’ve learned that many, many times, and I want to share with you guys too. You brought up a great point. You know, there’s a lot of us out there, you know, and I want to applaud you right now because you know what you just did. There’s a lot of people out there that just get attached to the idea. And there’s a lot of authors… what I find is that there’s a lot of authors out there, and a lot speakers that are still attached to what they came up with as their brain child in the beginning. And they are not making money and they are struggling. And there’s things out there, you’re getting feedback all over. And you know what, the feedback is coming to you and it’s saying, “You know what, actually, this isn’t your market but this is.” And you keep on saying, “No.No.No. I want to make this happen.”

You know, Matt – you’re right.

But the world is giving to you. I mean, quite honestly, that’s what happened to me. I fell in the place that I am right now. Being The Power Promoter, because.., doing my power-promoting tips. Because, actually I created a list, of actually 65,000 people on my list, and I actually started putting up seminars, and I had 52 people in my room less than three-days. People keep on coming up to me and saying “Matt, How are you doing this? What are you doing to make this happen? This is absolutely amazing!” People are coming to my seminars and saying ”Matt, What.. I don’t..How.. How are you doing this?” And they were coming to seminars, not for the content I was delivering on on cash flow that I had registered for at that event, they were coming to learn the system of what I was doing. And I’m like “Wow!”. This one guy came up to me and said ”You know what, I’ll pay you for this.”
I said “How much will you pay me?” And he paid me, you know, a couple of thousand bucks. And I said “Oh man! I’ve got something here!”


And people… and I kept on putting it out there and that’s one thing I wanted to let each and every one of you guys know is this. I learned this from a , actually two guys that raised over a Billion….one guys a billionaire, and one guy raised over billions of dollars on Wall Street. The guy that raised over a billion dollars on Wall Street was Robert Kiyosaki’s friend, Keith Cunningham.
And Keith, says this: “You can make money in three simple steps.” And I asked him.. I was in this room…there was… I was 24 years old and I was in a room. I walked up to him and I said “How did you raise over a billions of dollars on Wall Street?” And he said to me, he said, “Look – I’ll tell ya, it’s easy. Three simple steps. Find out what they want. Go get it. And give it to them.”

And then later on, a few years later, I’m sitting down with another guy that sold all his businesses for 4 Billion dollars, and I asked him the same question. I said, ”If you can give me one thing, what would it be?” He said, ”Listen”, he said, “Find out what they want and give it to them.” It’s not about focusing on what they need, it’s about finding out and focusing on what they WANT. And then also. a friend of mine, and this was when I started hitting it, another friend of mine came up to me and he goes “Look, smart marketers don’t argue. They GIVE.” And kind of get that. I mean it’s just what he just said. I just want to acknowledge you guys, because there’s a lot of people, you may be attached… may be attached to your things. When you moved, what happened to you? Did you finally realize that, you know what, the market kept on telling you this feedback, and things started happening? What happened to your business when you realized that, that, you know, wasn;t the direction that I should go. Let me shift my directions. What happened to you?

Matt, this is such a good point in just bringing that out. Just .. my business has simply exploded. And as you said, you can’t fall in love with an idea. I was very stubborn, and now I look back and to some degree, a little bit of regret that I wasted the better part of two years online, The better part of thirty-five grand getting going and trying to exploit a market, that I know is there, but um, was just taking way too long. And…. And, part of my problem is I had a coach who coached me and did a lot of things right, but told me it would take 2-3 years online to recover my costs. And I.. that is.. that’s just not true.

Ha ha ha ha.

That’s absolutely not true.

Well, I’m glad he did tell you that.

That’s right. And that’s why I can wholeheartedly tell people that I coach. And I coach people to get their E-Books out in record time, build an online business, develop the funnel. And um, those of you who have been with Matt, know that Matt is very clear on the funnel. You’ve gotta understand your funnel. And that’s all been part of the process with me. Understanding… Getting a real marker’s eye on what exactly I am doing. I’m not just … I’m not just writing an E-Book. And that’s what I started out doing. And for people that have not even considered or haven’t gone the print book route and want a book. And I believe that everybody has a book inside of them. It’s just waiting to come out. And you have to see your book as just a foundation for a huge online business empire.

Oh yes. You’re absolutely correct, in that. You know how I was telling you guys I did cash flow events. Well Robert Kirosaki, if you guys don’t know him. He stood up on stage one time and said, “This is the best.” held the brochure in his hand, and said, “This is the best brochure I have ever made.” And people were sitting there in that room that paid $5,000, $10,000 to be there, hundreds of them. And they all got there because they had read one book.


Ha ha.

Yes, his writing certainly is powerful. Oh, I mean, his…Robert Kirosaki is what started me on my venture. Just over three years ago, my wife sent me to California for a week, and I grabbed a few of his books and read them, and uh, I got started thinking about an idea.

Yeah. And you know, the point behind what I said was the fact that you just said that … there’s a lot of peop… at the beginning of the funnel, didn’t you? I mean, the funnel…there’s more to just having an E-Book but you’ve gotta get it out there. I mean it’s like a brochure, the purpose of it. Or it’s… it’s there to take you to the next step, right?

It’s just there to generate leads, I mean the money is great, but you’ve gotta see your expertise and use it. I mean when you offer a book, you are the… you are the ‘Expert’ in that area. Nobody has your perspective. Nobody has your experiences. In all of our authoring material, and between my co-authoring partner and myself, Paul and Jackson and myself, we have over a thousand pages of authored material. And we are, as teachers, our aim is to put teaching on the Internet.

One area that we’ve seen is, and that’s what got me started authoring E-Books, there’s a lot of excellent material on the Internet, but they’re more, “How To…”, you know, lists. Whereas Paul and I pride ourselves, in really explaining “How To..” and going through the process. And we divi…we see that learning is all about providing the necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge that people need. And so, it’s a very personal endeavor. And Ben Franklin said it very aptly. He said,” If it wouldn’t be forgotten as soon as you were dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing.” And I think Ben… Benjamin Franklin really captured the essence of what it means to be a male, and what it means to be a female. I mean, males, you know, we’re really into doing things. So we do things worth writing. Whereas females are really into relationships. They like to be understood. They like to communicate with others, and that fits that first part of the quote, where you know, you’re writing things worth reading. And we whole-heartedly subscribe to that. And it’s with that passion that we take, and we help people, as I said already, get their books out, and become the expert in one field.

Yeah . Yeah. I mean, you’re absolutely correct. You know, man, I mean, you know, what you just gave away, I’m actually speaking tomorrow and I’m going to say some of the things that you just said. Now, let’s kind of go into a little bit here. We kind of talked about, you know, find out what they want, go get it and give it to them.


And you know, you’ve gotta do that. I mean everybody on the phone, you’re sitting here, you’re like, “Oh Wow! What can I ..?” How do you get somebody to formulate their idea? How do you get them to awaken it? They’re saying, “Ugh… you know what – this thing is inside of me. How do I…?” How do you get them to pull it out?

Well, there’s a few questions that I ask. We’re a firm believer in asking questions. Our teleseminar series asks very focused questions. And if you’ve read any of the greats, such as Tony Robbins, you certainly know that Tony is a hug subscriber on asking powerful questions. You want to get good answers? You want to get even better answers, then you ask yourself better questions. Ans all of our material is really premised on asking good questions. In fact, asking great questions. And if you ask a great question, you’re gonna come up with a great answer. And so here’s some questions that I would ask somebody about. You know, if somebody came to me saying “You know, I wanna author a book, But I’m not sure what I want to do.”

And there’s really two aspects of that, as we said, Matt. You’ve gotta understand your market. And so once you understand your market, and then you’ve got to make sure that what you’re passionate about is going to fit that ‘nich’, or that niche. And so, some questions I would ask people would be, such as, you know, “Can you hold a conversation with other people?”. And, anybody can hold a conversation, just like we’re talking right now. And in fact, just as we’re talking right now is how you want to communicate in an E-Book. You want to make an… er.. you want to… I think we’re communicating at probably, easily at a 6th or 7th grade level, Matt. Yeah. And that’s the communication style that you want to have in your…

Well… I don’t know. You’ve been using some words, that quite honestly, I don’t even know. Ha ha.
That’s why I had to stop you. I’m like – what is this? What’s that word?

Thanks Matt. My wife often has to do that and ..uh.. I apologize.

It’s the teacher in you. Ha ha ha.

Yes, it’s the teacher in me. It’s also the science major in me, too.

Well, that just goes to prove for all of you listening right now, it doesn’t matter where.. I mean I graduated from college and all that… but it doesn’t matter regarding where you’re at. I mean, you could make money no matter who you are and what you are, I mean, it doesn’t matter, if your overweight, you know, those beliefs that he talked about in the beginning. It doesn’t matter. All you gotta do is get started and get moving.

That’s right.

You can make money. It’s just about taking actual steps forward and making things start happening.

You need to be passionate about something. And, you know, you can have somebody whose an expert in Real Estate for example, but very passionate about playing basketball. So what...what… what E-Book should.. should that person write, Matt?

Passionate about what?

They’re passionate about basketball.

Well – I don’t know. I’d find out what the market wants. Ha ha ha.

Ha ha. That’s right. But if the market was there, and by all indications, sports is a huge area. You just have to type in keywords under Overture, good keywords, and you’ll see that a lot of people are searching in those areas.

Yeah. You guys, what he just said to do was, find keywords. Just go to goodkeywords.com is a great place that you can go to, to find out what people are searching for. And let me kind of explain that, for some of those people that don’t know. There’s places out there, where you could really go to, and really find out what people are searching for on the Internet. So like we just said, find out what people want, go get it and give it to them. People are going to search engines all the time, and what do you think about when you go there. “Oh, I want to find out how to do this.” They’ll go put it into the search engine. Well, there’s things out there that actually track that. There’s one place that is Word Tracker. You said another one too?

Yeah. Good Keywords is another one.

Yeah. Good Keywods is a good one.


Inventory.google…..oh yeah, inventory.overture.com. And another couple of ideas too, and you might actually have this. Actually go in to look at, like, BarnesandNoble.com, or go in to look at Amazon.com, to find out what the best-sellers are.

No question about it. In fact, that’s what we recommend, that people go there, find out prices, find out the ad copies that people are using. Look up the keywords that they use. Because those are the keywords that you’re gonna want to use in your E-Book. Especially in your ad copy.

Yeah. You know, and a lot of people are like “Wow! Why would I want to do that? I want to come up with something very original. I wanna come up with something very original. Well, let me tell you something, when you go to the bank, you don’t go to the bank for originality. (Laughs)


Truth, though.

Yeah. The key is going to the bank

That is the fun part. Deposit it and make sure that the check goes through.

But Matt, you bring up a very good point. Anybody can write any book. Anybody can author any book. Your educational background doesn’t make any difference. It may.. it doesn’t make a hell of beans. And that’s… that’s part of .. part of my coaching and part of in our teleseminar series, that I do. I .. we show people that… we really… what we do is unlearn the skills that they’ve learned in school.


And actually , the last segment…

Wh..what did you say? You’re a principal?

I’m a Vice-Principal in a school.


That’s why I don’t get to a Principalship, because of what I do.

(…Laughs…) Oh gosh. Don’t you guys love it. Ongoing.

That’s right. But being a good E-Book author, is not about…. When you go to school, you are writing to please the teacher. And you want to try to use good language. In fact, if you can use flowery language, you know, teachers fall in love with that. They like complete sentences. They like paragraphs that flow perfectly. They’re really into the techniques, the technical skills, see. All that.. E-Book authoring is not about that. E-Book authoring is about calm conversing with your key audience, just like we’re talking Matt.

Whoa.. whoa.. hold up! The Assistant Vice-President just went mad! (..Laughs..)

That’s right. Gosh – yeah. He’s uh.. I am going mad here. But it’s just like we’re talking over the table. Like we were talking in Atlanta. Having a good conversation. Very focused on providing solutions and benefits to people’s problems. Because people come to the Internet for very focused needs. And one of the great benefits of the Internet, at least a number of years ago, was there, was, you know information you could get. Today we’re in an information overload. And people want a reliable source of information that’s benefit driven. It’s benefit…benefit… benefit, that’s gonna supply their needs. And they have problems, and they have problems that need solutions now. And the key is to deliver solutions, to your key audience. And converse in a way that they can grasp what you’re saying, and provide medicine for the wounds that they’re entertaining in their own lives.

Yeah. And you know, another thing too, you know you mentioned before about work is too hard and maybe believing that they can’t get something out there, well, that first of all taking what you can out of your vocabulary, but another thing too, is that a lot of people that I have talked with and a lot of people that ZI have actually worked with, now I coach on other subjects, but they tell me, “You know Matt, I’d love to get a book out there.” ‘ Coz you know we took my book, the book that I have out there, I actually helped co-author and take the book to No.1 on the Barnes and Noble best-seller list.

Yeah. Way to go! Matt! Im glad for you.

And – we had a great time with that. But one thing about that is, there’s a lot of people like “Oh, I wanna get a book… “. You know what, I don’t want to get a book out there, because there’s so many books about the subject that I want to write on. And I personally tell them this, and you probably have an answer for those people too. But what I tell them is this, I said, “You know what, there is not a book out there on that subject, with your name on it.”

That’s correct, and from your perspective, . Everybody has their own perspective. And in fact, timing in some ways, is everything. And if there is some number of books out there, and I.. I work with people that are exploiting a market online where there’s not any book in their field yet. And, but you know, if you’re…. you can exploit that. You… There’s all kind of joint ventures out there to work with people that are already there.

Yeah. Oh yeah. And um, can you kind of tell us, I know that you’ve.. you’ve got a bunch of coaching students, ‘coz I keep on getting a lot of feedback on what you’re doing. I mean, honestly, you’re about the, you’re breaking right now, and if you guys know, one of the things I actually forgot during the last week’s call, one of the thing’s that I honestly have a gift of is finding… is seeing people and who they are going to become before they, you know, become it. I..I Started collecting baseball cards when I was younger and when I started collecting baseball cards, now I’ve got a half-a-million dollars worth of cards. And the reason being is because I used to find the rookies, rookie cards, and all I collected was the rookie cards. I’ve got hundreds of rookie cards, thousands of rookie cards at home. And those rookie cards have all taken. I remember having Mark McGuire before Mark McGuire became Mark McGuire.


The reason I say that as a story is this, it’s that now, I met Mike Litman when he wrote.. before…before he ever spoke on stage and I said, “Mike, you’ve gotta come”.. for the second time he ever spoke on stage, and said “You’ve gotta come to Atlanta. I’m gonna put you in front of, you know, 500 people.” He ended up going in front of 500 people, and you kow – I see things in people. And you’re one of those people that are just about to… you know you’re breaking right now, and making things happen. And there’s something amazing things you guys….Now, you’re story.. now do you have any stories about other people? Maybe someone from your coaching class? Maybe you could give some examples or some stories about?

Well, I have….I have… coaching… my coaching clients come from all walks of life, which is really interesting. I have client’s who are C.E.O.’s of companies. I have clients who are medical doctors, who are C.P.A.’s. I have clients who sell mobile homes. I have clients who were completely dissatisfied with the corporate dream that was promised to them. And not.. not … that’s just not the case in the U.S., but also in Canada here. People tired of working for somebody else’s dream, and never… always being on the sidelines. Never actually being caught up in it. And I .. I just… it’s just.. it’s a thrill and it’s a privilege to be able to help people. Especially those that, you know, are struggling financially, you know, to know that I’m here to see them succeed much faster than what it took me. And Matt, I am a firm believer, and I know you are, in having a coach. You have to have somebody there with you, to… for accountability, to keep you focused. Because the enemy of everybody, um everybody’s situation is scattered thinking. Is lack of focus. And I have two coaching clients right now that I can think of that have been entertaining a book idea for a number of years. One person has even said that she’s even been to a huge seminar, in which you try to get a book out in weekend with some popular authors. And it was over-informationalized Ha ha – if that’s a word. But she just walked away with too much information. She knew what she had to do but it was just.. it was too much.

And what was exciting for me, was to help this person, for example get her E-Book out in record time. She had a six-chapter, ninety page E-Book, which is more than enough to sell online, in 12 hours of writing. And here she’s had this book inside of her for the last years, and just taking.. just losing literally tens of.. if not hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. And in this case, hundreds-of-thousands of dollars, because she has a big idea. She’s got a dream and her dream is built on her E-Book.

And, you know, that information that she has in there, do you feel that it would affect people? I mean would it change the lives of some people?

No question about it. And from a number of points. And I’ve ensured that her book is going to be benefit-driven. She knows who her target market is and they’re hungry.

See, you know, what you just said too. That’s one thing that I love, that I love to tell a lot of people. I mean, you know, each and every one of us, we do have things inside of us. We’ve gotta get it out there. And if you don’t - I mean – just think about it – you guys on the phone call. If I don’t do these, you would never get this information, and if you don’t get this information, I could be stealing from your life!

That’s right.

And you know.. you’ve got, I mean seriously, let’s kinda get into the attitude. It just drives me absolutely nuts, when some people are holding back the information that they have inside of them. And are not delivering it to people and are not getting it out there. Because, you know, you could…you could either plant good seed or not getting it out there you’re not planting seeds. And you can affect the lives of hundreds and thousands of people. And doing that, oh my gosh, it’s the greatest feeling, not even knowing that, you know, not even know who it is and knowing that you’re still affecting people’s lives.

And you’re a person of value. You know the… in my old business – I did so many things for free, Matt. And now I charge. I charge people and I charge people a good price and they’re, we’ve…we’ve already sort of alluded to that, your time is valuable. And everybody here has to value their time. Value your experiences, value your time, value what you’ve learnt from the University of Hard Knox. What have you learnt, perhaps in the job that you’re in, in the situation you’re in within the family, perhaps a relationship that you’re in. What have you learnt the hard way that if only you had had the information that you have now, would have saved you time, effort, money, grief. All of those. And those are all hot topics. Those are what people… people need that information.

You know, ‘coz they don’t have to go down the same path of frustration that you went down. You know?

That’s right. Anne Frank say’s this. She says, “Everyone has inside him or her, a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, or what your potential is.” And that’s why I said at the beginning, everybody has a bog dream, Everybody I, I’ve never met a person that doesn’t have a big dream, that’s really honest. The problem is most people have lost the dream. They just don’t dream anymore. And I’m a firm believer that you need to dream big, and if you want to make money, and you want to make good money, the best way is to go online, leverage your time like we said and author a book.

Here’s a couple of ideas, Matt. I never really did answer your question though …

(.. Laughs…)

But, in terms of “Can I be a successful E-Book author?” Here’s some questions that I ask people. “Can you hold a conversation with others?” And I hope that everybody will be able to answer “Yes”, these are sort of leading questions here. “Are you passionate about something?” “What comes easy to you?” “What are your hobbies?” “Have you experienced something in life that you can’t stop talking about?” “What were you good at as a child?” And I’m a real believer that you look back and see what you did as a child, because when you’re a child you live in a life of.. of… no limitations. There’s just incredible possibilities. And then something happens to us when we grow up. And something happens to us when we go take a job. And you know, we can get beaten down. But on the other hand, we’re gaining incredible experiences. We’re gaining incredible techniques about how to deal with different situations. If I can make a best-seller E-Book AND a print book. And you know, there’s a flip-side of this too. I hope that people go from their E-Book into a print book . “Can you use your word-processing software?” And in saying that, if you want to be an E-Book author, you don’t need to be a “techie”. And, so I should make sure that I dispel that notion right now.

But here’s some topic ideas for your audience, Matt.


A workshop that you’ve done, a speech or a keynote address, a committee report, a teaching experience, a lifelong interest, an article or a series of articles that you’ve written, a research project. Perhaps some people on your line here are into Academia? A thesis or a formal paper you’ve presented. A perceived need… that’s huge right there… a perceived need. If you’ve done a market analysis you’ll see all kinds of perceived need. Professional needs, personal needs, significant emotional events in your life, such as a tragedy, a disaster, or a problem that you’ve uncovered. Or a personal dream or a vision that you’ve had. Those are all examples and there’s many, many more. But I hope that I’ve at least nurtured the idea for anybody out there, that has never entertained authoring, that they have a best-seller within them.

Thanks for sharing that too, because I mean, quite honestly there are a lot of people that are sitting there and saying to themselves, you know, and you know, let’s get some of these people some action steps, so that like, right now, I’ve got something inside of me,what… you know… can you give me maybe one or two or maybe three action steps that somebody would take? Like, let’s say that you, gave me the idea. This is what I want to create. This is what I’m going to do. I wanna make something out of this. What would be my first action step? What would be my second action step? What would be my third action step?

Okay. Yeah. Good….Excellent question Matt! The first thing to do is, we’ve already touched on, is to find the market. You gotta make sure that there’s a market there. You have to find a market that has a big problem, and it could be a huge market, and it could also be a very small market.


They could be, you know, for example, I am dealing with somebody that is writing an E-Book on his area of expertise, which is on a business. And it’s very…. it’s very narrow. It’s in hair salons.
Uh, but there’s nothing out there in that area. And so you’ve got to find that market. And you’ve got to make sure that you’ve got that market that’s willing to spend money. And even if it’s a small market, it could be a market though that would be willing to spend lots of money. For example, investors information. Investors like to stay up on top and are willing to spend top$$ in order to get tips and ideas of where to put their money, that’s timely. So to get that market idea.

Secondly then, is to find …..

Well, let me just stop you right there, before you go to the second one.


You know, another thing too. I think you kind of hit on this. But I kind of want to stress it out more. But you kind of wanna… you REALLY do wanna make sure your market has money. And I know a lot of people that they… I know a lot of people that they’ve tried to write and are like, ”Why isn’t this thing selling?” And they might still want it, but still another thing, I mean, this is coming from my perspective. Quite honestly, you’ve also got to make sure, and remember you’re not tied to any idea that you have. Try never to be tied to anything.

That’s right.

But, let’s say that you have an idea and think “Oh – this’ll be a great one”. And you go out there and you find out, yeah, they all want this but , if they al l want it, and they’re all like starving artists and they can’t… they can’t afford it. Quite honestly, I mean, you know, you night want to think about something else.
Because, you gotta also… yes you’re gonna help people. But the thing is you know, you’ve also got to help yourself too. And um, we don’t… we don’t want you starving too.

That’s right, no question about it. You’ve gotta be making money and money quickly. And uh…

The more money you make, the more quickly you can help people.

That’s correct, no question.

You know, so. Let’s go to to second two, No.2. I just wanted to make sure that I said that to you guys, you know, kind of add in there a little bit. I hope it’s okay?

Yes, no. No, that’s great Matt. The market has to be willing to spend money. No. 2 then, is to find.. um, to match that market, with your area of interest. And so that would be No. 2. Make sure that you find something that you are interested in, ‘coz you know, you’re going to be spending lot’s of time here. So you’re gonna wanna be interested in this. So that’s very important.

The third thing, then is a… is a complete, concrete, step-by-step process in terms of what you are going to do to get your book out. So many people try to just start writing their book. They have no concrete game plan, They just start from scratch. And let me just say this. What builder is going to just start building a house, without a definite, concrete, you know, by the millimeter, or by the … sorry, going gammy over here over millimeter, centimeter… by the inch … or even the whatever the mini-inch is… I forget now…

There’s some people from England on this call, too, just to let you know…

Oh – okay…

And from Australia. And so… quite honestly we’re talking to them internationally right now.

Okay. Uh.. Anyways um, every builder builds from a blueprint. And it’s very important then to have a blueprint for your book. And that… that’s where my expertise comes in. I help you build that blueprint. Because my program is set up that I can help people write in 5-15 minute increments and get their book out in 12 hours of writing. And so - in order to do that, in order to overcome writer’s block, which is just a huge problem. You know you’ve got all these ideas, “Oh, I can hardly wait to start writing!”, you get to your desk, and then you just blank. You just can’t start. And you’ve had what Jamal did. One of my favorite movies, “Finding Forrester”, if you haven’t seen that movie, it’s just an excellent movie. Forrester, who is played by Sean Connery, remember he is a reclusive writer. He agrees to tutor this athletic boy who’s got a scholarship to an Ivy League high school. And Jamal is sitting in his apartment, in front of a typewriter. And he just can’t get started. And he’s just sitting there, sitting there looking at the typewriter. And Sean Connery tells him, he says, “You write from your heart. You edit with your mind.” And they key is to have some…. a concrete game plan, spelled out so specifically for you, that it will allow you to write from your heart at any given moment. So you’re not wasting your time, and you’re not faced with the.. the…that old adage that everybody refers to quite often, especially anybody that attempts to do any kind of writing, and that is Writer’s Block.

So those are the three key steps, Make sure you know your market. Make sure… and with that.. make sure your market definitely has money. Know what your idea is….

For those of you who are listening in, make sure you have that pen and piece of paper in front of you and write some of these steps down.


And you know, quite honestly, I mean, he’s dropping some nuggets right here.

Oh the….

Some things, that quite honestly, I wish I had known two years ago.


Because it would have changed my life forever.

And I say that too, because it’s just something that I’ve developed over time. I’m a huge believer in graphic organizers. I do that with all the students that I’ve ever taught. With all the teens that I’ve ever coached.

What… what do you mean by a graphic organizer?

I mean a graphic organizer, is something where… for example, you have a … let’s just think back in your school days. You’re teacher tells you you’ve got to write a story.

Hold on a sec. I don’t remember that stuff.

Well, you’ve got to write a story. And I’m just trying to think as concrete as possible.

No that’s okay – go ahead.

But in every story there’s a plot. There’s problems. There’s characters. There’s a setting. And if you have all of that in the back of mind knowing you’ve gotta, you know, knowing you’ve gotta make sure that you present all of that information, you’re gonna be… you’re gonna be all set. Now the graphic organizer can be anything like a shopping list. You got a list and it says I gotta do this, this, this, this and this. You know, my wife likes to go to the shop without a list, many times. I’m a list person she’s not a list person. And what happens thought, is quite often, my wife, I ho… am glad she can’t hear this, ….

(… Laughs…)

(… Laughs…)… but she will, she’ll come home and say, “Ah doggone it! I’ve forgotten the milk!” Or “I forgot Applesauce!” or she forgot this or forgot that. Because she didn’t have a graphic organizer in her mind, where not only were the items listed, but she could have had the Meat section, the Dairy Products in a certain area, and all of that, and it just helps you spell out. You know, I know some people that shop based on the sections of, you know, they organize their lists so that they know when their in this part of the, um, you know, grocery store you’re going to get these products. And that’s how I mean a graphic organizer. It’s something from which to think and organize your thoughts.

And so, it’s important then that you create and see in your mind specifically, what it is you’re going to write. You need that. And a graphic organizer, a basic graphic organizer in writing an E-Book is your basic Table of Contents. You need to write from a Table of Contents. And not only that, you need to write from something that is even more specific than a Table of Contents. And that is, each concept, each idea laid out very, very clearly, in that Table of Contents. Even more importantly, is to begin to visualize…. And I’m giving you techniques here that I share with my coaching clients and I help them, but you need to visualize what it is that you’re writing. Our human minds think and write in pictures. And if you want to get your E-Book out in record time, you need to think in moving pictures. Those are some tips, um knowing your target market, having an idea, making sure it’s benefit oriented towards your target market and then thirdly is to have your book spelled out so clearly that you’ll be able to author it in record time. And by doing that, by having it spelled so clearly, you’re gonna do what sources it. You’re gonna be able to write from your heart.. And then save the revisions and the editing for another stage.

And in fact, when you’re writing from the heart, when you get into that groove, you will find that you will have very few editing changes that you will have to do. You might have some material that you might want to move around, but the way in which… You want to get into the mode so that we’re talking just like we’re conversing right now. That’s the way you want to write. Informal in demeanor, we’re just having a one-on-one conversation like we are, Matt, but your conversation is through your book or your E-Book.

Yeah. You know, and I’ve got to add this in there, but if you guys are even, think about this for your e-mail that you’re sending out too. One thing that I’ve noticed is, and he’s even saying this, what he’s telling you guys is some amazing things. But you can also use them in other aspects. If you guys have an e-mail list. I mean, think about what he’s saying regarding your e-mail list. Think about what you’re saying to people is what he’s saying. And I’m not going to get in any off-path, but I wanted to tell you that he is ABSOLUTELY true about what he’s saying. He evne goes over to your list. When you’re writing to people, and people love conversation… talking to THEM or as if you are. And the best copywriters in the world, and believe me, I’ve spent a lot of time with them. And people – if you guys don’t know, the best copywriter…Direct Response Copywriters, people that turn words into money, and they’ll say the same thing. Is you.. you kinda write, as you speak. Isn’t that what you’re getting at? Just writing a conversation, writing in a conversational way.

That’s right. No question about it. We.. what we say in our material is that writing is the ‘doing’ part of ‘thinking’. Yeah, and um, by writing, it’s just so powerful, you know, by putting a thought down on paper. Many authors have said, ‘If you really want to know yourself, author a book.’. Because as soon as you’ve out something down on paper, you put something down that’s tangible. Concrete. It’s not nebulous ‘coz your brain can’t think in nebulous, non-concrete terms. So you really want to get focused, not only on getting your E-Book out on record time, but also, you know, as you’re going through this process, writing your dreams down. Getting really clear on your dreams. And in the process of this whole process, you need to get to spell your funnel out. You need to be really clear on what your E-Book is going to do for you. …And…

So, what you’re saying is ‘The Outcome’?

You need to Outcome –oriented, not activity- based.

Yeah. I mean, that’s how, And I mean quite honestly, and what he’s telling me right here, and I kinda want to put it as one word – Outcome. I tell a lot of people, “What Outcome do you want to create? Even when we go on this call. One week when we went on call, I was like, “What is the outcome that we want to create on this call? What do we want to deliver them? What is it that we want to make sure they know?” And if you guys come from that place, and quite honestly, it’s so awesome, just if you have a result that you know that you’re going to end up with, for the outcome that you’re gonna create. Things are gonna start happening. And honestly, too, sometimes things are just appearing, you have no idea where it’s coming from. You’ve got it put there, you’ve put it out there in the world, and things start appearing and put in places. Like, and I bet this happens, this happens like when I promote a seminar, I put my butt on the line, and I put my butt on the line by actually setting a date – this is the day that I am going to make this happen. And you get clear, and you get dedicated, and it happens. And you have an outcome that on this day – this is going to happen. And things start happening, instantly and automatically. If you are totally clear and think this is the outcome I want to create, you can create that outcome. You can create any outcome you want to. But you’ve gotta come from that place, and you’ve gotta put some skin in the game to make something happen. And isn’t that kind of a little bit of what you’re talking about?

No question about it! We use in our rating materials, our authoring materials, we use what we call ‘R.A.W. stems’. These stand for Reflective and Writing stems. We ask powerful questions and then we ask people to record their answers. Because it’s really important that you get clear on exactly where it is you’re going. Matt, and again, as you just highlighted, you need to be outcome-driven. There’s just not enough time in this life to just putz around, at least the people that I work with are tired of putzing around tired of wasting time, tired of just, you know, guessing. And you need a plan. And Matt, I applaud you on, as you say, putting your butt on the line. A dream of mine was to speak with Dan Quaynar, for example. And I wasn’t sure how this was going to do. Dan Quaynar, for those of you who don’t know was probably the guru in self-publishing. And I just said, you know what, I’m just gonna organize a book camp, where I’m gonna speak with Dan Quaynar. And we got the first book camp in the world, in August, in Toronto, and I’m speaking with Dan Quaynar. And I’ve done just what you did, put my butt on the line, and say I’m gonna do it, and now I’m doing it.
And you know, it’s exciting to see what’s happening.

Yeah. And that’s absolutely awesome. And I’ll tell you guys too that.. I’ve gotta share this because you’re saying something… you know –there’s a lot of things out there, a lot of peole plan… and you’re talking about building your plan and doing your blueprint. And every night before I go to bed, I write down 5 things that I’m going to accomplish tomorrow. And I’m going to write them in order of importance. And actually, you brought up Ben Franklin, that’s one of Ben Franklin’s sayings if you read the Autobiography of Ben Franklin. But you know, I started thinking about it one day and I said, “You know what, hmmm.. this is very interesting, because I noticed the night before, when I write down the things that I… the outcomes that I want to create the next day, the outcomes do happen. What would happen if I wrote my whole year out?” And I said, “Okay, I’m going to start with my birthday.” My birthday is December 31st. Thank God! I said,” On my birthday – I’m gonna make this happen.” So I ended up with “On this day, here is my goal.” And I said, “On this day, I am going to make this happen”. And I went back and I looked backwards from my outcome, because, honestly, and I’m gonna let everybody know, I’m gonna hit a million dollars on that day. My business is already on path to make a million dollars by the time, by my 27th birthday.

Right – great job Matt! I remember you sharing this with me in January, when you had your game plan, just as we talked about , so concretely laid out, you know exactly what you’re gonna do.

I’ve got my next five years laid out!

Yeah. And there isn’t any guesswork then.

Oh yeah – I don’t have to guess. Here’s the thing. When you do this and write out your plan, even to write your E-Book, no matter what it is and you write out that plan, it’s… it’s the most unique things start happening. You know what, you walk in and the day is already done before you start. And not only that, I have the ability that my year is already done before I start. And a lot of people can’t even say that – a lot of people can’t even figure out what they are still gonna do. And when you guys write your E-Books, do exactly what he just told you. Write out the plan, because you already know what you gotta do next. There’s no guesswork. Exactly like he said. There’s nothing. Just step, step, step, move forward. And probably, you’ll notice too, and I bet that a lot of your students say this, but things start happening a lot faster.

No question about it. People can’t believe how quickly things will move. And um, you need a concrete game plan. You need someone there to make sure that you’re staying the course. And you need to surround yourself with people, definitely, that are gonna motivate you, hold you accountable, cheerlead you. As I’m a firm believer, you can’t go anywhere by yourself. You’ve gotta have a team. You’ve gotta have people that have the same dreams as you have, and you’re working with each other, it’s called again, leveraging your time, and it’s called a win-win situation.

Absolutely. And you know, getting rich is a team sport, quite honestly. And there is no such thing as self-made millionaires. You’ve gotta have a team. And you know – it’s just like a baseball team, what happens when the pitcher leaves? I mean like if you have a .. like, if you’re sitting there and it’s baseball, if the pitcher’s not there, what happens? They lose the game. What are you gonna do? Have the first baseman walk over there. You’ve gotta have a team players on your team. And quite honestly the best thing to do right now, is find team players and get them on your team. And you wanna make sure that you find people that have actually done it and take you to the next level where you wanna go. You always wanna be upgrading or increasing your environment and finding people that are where you wanna go. Because what you’re gonna see is, you’re gonna be there, there’s two things that you can do. You can go get the books and actually read about how to do something. Or you can go meet the people and take the shortcut to success.

That’s right. You know, Matt – some of the people that I coach, have the best, finest material on how to get an E-Book out, or a print book out that you could possibly buy. And they’ve just never taken action on it. And they have all this information. I meet so many people that are just constantly looking for the next guru. Well you know, this person says this. But this expert says this. It’s a little bit different. And then they begin to start havering, as my wife used to say. It’s a Scottish term for they just are on the fence. They can’t take action, and they just begin to take.. you know… begin to read and read and read and read and not taking any action. And there comes a point when enough is enough, it’s time for you to start taking focused action. Doing things s you said, in the order of their importance.

Yeah. You know and another thing too, and you just brought this up. I want to say this to a lot of people. You know a lot of people are like “You know what ..” and you start seeing it like these guys, have… you know just imagine this. I know this has happened to you. Have you ever watched and gone “That’s my idea!”. Or you went and saw a book and went “That’s my idea!”. You know what, that one person, all they did was took a little bit of action and they got results. And the only difference between you and them, and I was having a conversation with George, that I had on last week. He said “Wow! There’s so many experts up here and it’s so amazing that some of these experts really don’t know as much.” ‘Coz he hangs out with them and this guy does the Academy Awards and I mean done things with some big players in the market., like some of these experts, it’s just very amazing.

But the only thing different, and I told him this, I said, “Here’s something that I wanted to say about people – you know there’s other people that have got E-Books out and there’s other people out there, but the difference between you and them, is that one step. they were only one step ahead of you. And probably some people have said, “You know what! Actually I read that book and it wasn’t as good as, you know.. there’s not all the information is in there.” Well then get it out there and quit talking about it It drives me nuts. When people you know, don’t wanna.. and they sit there complaining about it , they should take action ’coz that’s the only thing that’s different. The difference between you and them is that they took one step forward more than you did. That’s it. You’re just one step behind them. All you gotta do is maybe get together.. 1.maybe find a coach or 2. you get a mentor or 3. you build a team and get together with them And they will take you to the shortcut, and not that you will surpass that person, that you, you know, you’re sitting there thinking ”Oh wait – I can’t believe I waited on this!” Just you know you’ve got to get the right team players on the team.

That is just so true. You know we use the journey metaphor in all of our authoring material, you know, and it’s not necessarily….it’s not about the destination – its about the journey. And you know – you’ve got to enjoy the journey. And if you’ve got people around you that are excited, that share in… you know we tell people too, we tell people too, don’t share you dream with everybody. You share your dream with those people that really care about you, and that have a … you know, they’re gonna support you. Those are the people that you share your dream with. and then you just go for it. And go for it. You put the books down and you just start taking action. ‘Coz that’s what it’s all about. That’s what you’re rewarded for action.

Yeah. Put the books down. That’s abso… oh my gosh!… that’s absolutely true. I’ve gotta say this because of a lot of people on here. Mmm everybody says – “Oh you know I love this book, it’s called ‘Thinking’”, I think I said this last week, but anyway, I love this book, it’s called ‘Thinking Orig’ And I’m like, ”Yeah, you know what? I really love it too. But I’ll tell you what, I wanna get rid of that book and I wanna read “Acting Orig” (..Laughs..)
You know, really – I mean that’s the truth! Now I want to give you a five-minute warning – we’ve got about five-minutes before this call is going to end. And we’ve gotta honor our time. And I loved having my time on here, so what I’d… um. We talked a little bit before this. And you guys I know you’re enjoying this because he is just giving some powerful information. The things that he’s saying just really have … I mean, have even helped me clarify some things with my stuff, I’ve got some stuff coming out , and I wanted to tell you thank you very much for sharing. Now we’ve…
Thanks Matt, I just want to say that first of all – I just count it an honor and privilege to be on your call tonight.
Well, listen um you’re the guru tonight. I’m just here to interview you and deliver this valuable information to everybody that’s on the call. And I feel that everybody that’s listening right now are my extended family, and like you said, like more of the conversational piece. One thing that I want to create with my list is that – where you guys do feel that you are my extended family. So that’s why I share things about my family, and share things about what’s going on with me, because I really do care about you guys and I really want to see you guys succeed. But in talking about that, and sharing things, and one of you guys shared succeed, Glenn you and I talked about something before, and you wanted to make an offer…
Everybody online needs to get the 7 secrets to E-Book Authoring, it’s now online at AwakenTheAuthorWithin.com, just enter your info there, and sign-up for the newsletter, and you also get 7 secrets to E-Book Authoring
And that’s free you guys.
It’s free.
Absolutely free.
So you guys – did you just hear what he just said? I mean, we’re all about giving value here, and I really do care about you guys. And I told him – I said make it look – do something special for you, and he said, “Absolutely”. And he is a person of value and you guys heard that tonight on the call. Go to his website right now and you’ll receive the E-Book. What is the E-Book called?
7 Secrets of E-Book Authoring.
Mm hmm. And make sure you go there and sign up. And you will receive 7 Secrets to E-Book Authoring. How do we get a hold of you? Let’s say .. you just.. I don’t think you gave the e-mail address or did you?
Um, no I didn’t . It’s Glenn … with two n’s
Yeah G-L-E-N-N.@AwakenTheAuthorWithin(all one word).com. AwakenTheAuthorWithin.com.
And – is there any last remarks. We’ve got about two minutes? Is there any last minute remarks,, tips that you would love to make? You know – just to give to these people right now. To say – if there was one last thing you could give to anybody, what would it be?
That you have what it takes to author an E-Book. You have techniques, you have skills. Remember that learning is comprised of attitudes, skills and knowledge. And there, if you just open your mind up, open your heart up, you gotta be able to see down in your heart, and begin to dream, and see you know, what is it that I am really good at? What have I learnt? What can I do to make a difference in the world? And what can I do to help other people in the world? And that’s all about making a difference. Building notoriety. Making a difference beyond the walls of your home, the walls that are surrounding say for example, your city, if you will to use that metaphor. Just to get yourself out there, online. And to help other people that need to know what you know, and need it now.
Yeah. Absolutely, because if you don’t get it out there, honestly, you’re ripping people off. And I mean seriously, you’ve got things inside of you that need to get out there. You kinow, you can help so many people. And you know the feeling that you get is so awesome. You know, quite honestly, that’s what I focus on – is how can I help more people, how can I help more people… how can I help more people.. and I turn around and then look in my bank account where see results The focus is on helping people but the results happen in my bank account. And you guys can experience that too – that are sitting there on the fence and thinking about it like we were talking about it today and make things happen.
Glenn, listen, I want to tell you that it has been great. We’re having a lot of fun tonight and it’s been an honor and a privilege to have you on. And I’ve really had a lot of fun. I mean, this is a great conversation that we’re having. And you guys that are listening, I appreciate you. So Glenn, thank you very much and you um wanna say Goodbye?
Yeah, Thanks Matt –and thanks to all of the listeners for honoring me with their time today. I really, really appreciate that.
Yes. You guys rock and you guys have a great time. You guys have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to talking to you at the next Power Hour.