Friday, September 30, 2005

Autoresponse Plus, The Email Marketing

Autoresponse Plus, The Email Marketing Solution To Increase Sales

Autoresponders in General

Autoresponders have been around for quite some time. The Internet is overflowing with companies offering them packaged up with various features at various monthly fee levels. As more and more people do business on the Internet, autoresponders will take a special place in the overall marketing plan of any business on the net. They are the number one mechanism that helps businesses stay in close touch with customers or reach potential customers continuously.

Like everything else in this world, autoresponder providers charge fees for the service that they provide. This usually means a monthly fee is required and sometimes the fee can be on the high side. In exchange for this fee, they will host your autoresponder on their servers, which may not necessarily be a good thing. Why” Simply because you are at the mercy of these providers if there server goes down. If that happens, guess what? Your autoresponder messages do not get sent to your customers, which could cause a loss in potential sales. To further compound the problem, if the provider’s server is down often or for long periods of time, it could be catastrophic to your business.

There is an alternative to the above scenario in the form a “free standing” autoresponder package called Autoresponder Plus. Autoresponder Plus does not rely on installation on someone’s server; rather it is installed on your own web site or dedicated server. No third-party intervention is needed at all. As long as you have a reliable hosting service, you can add Autoresponder Plus to your business site and be in total control of customer communications. It’s a fact that if you don’t successfully manage your follow up marketing process effectively, you will lose potential customers.

The power of Autoresponse Plus

Let’s take a look at how powerful Autoresponder Plus is.
· It is an autoresponder and mailing list software for your web site.
· You can send out an unlimited number of follow-up emails and target thousands of prospects.
· You send out follow-up sales campaigns, courses, newsletters, and ezines from an intuitive browser.
· Once it is setup, it runs on autopilot!
· Create unlimited autoresponder accounts with unlimited messages any time.

Why use Autoresponse Plus?
By using Autoresponder Plus as your mechanism to reach thousands of potential customers, you will benefit in many ways. Take for instance the benefits of:
· No more monthly fees for autoresponder services. Pay a “one-time” fee and your own the package!
· No more reliance on the reliability of the servers of other providers.
· The convenience of having the ability to take total control over your email campaigns staying in touch with prospects and customers around the clock.
· The convenience of installing Autoresponder Plus on your very own site.
· The extra flexibility in maintaining Autoresponder Plus and the dramatic cost savings.
· The ease of installation and level of full technical support from ARP3 professionals that includes a fully staffed “help-desk” and tutorials.
· Capturing email addresses of prospects so you can immediately follow-up and turn them into customers.
· Delivering your message, over and over, to your target audience to get a sale.
How is Autoresponse Plus the email marketing solution to increase your sales
Autoresponder Plus acts as your personal marketing spokesperson, only better because it never takes time off! You can dramatically boost your sales through its use by giving you the freedom and flexibility to follow-up with prospects consistently and turn them into paying customers. It is a fact that if you want to turn “window shoppers” into buyers, you need to have constant contact with them. People need to get to know and trust you before they will buy from you. Autoresponder Plus helps you achieve this through its simplicity and convenience.
Autoresponder Plus offers an opt-in email marketing solution and follow-up marketing solution that are the best tools possible for building credibility and trust quickly. You can take charge of your marketing campaign by:
Building an opt-in list of prospects that you can follow-up with and convert into customers.
Using this opt-in list to market to this audience over and over again, after all, by opting-in, they give you permission to do so.
Fully automate your email and follow-up marketing efforts and run effortlessly on autopilot.
Eliminating annoying ads in your email campaigns that are planted there by other autoresponder providers.
Gaining the ability to send unlimited attachments such as .pdf files in your marketing campaigns.
Taking advantage of one of the most “user-friendly” programs on the marketplace.
Having your own autoresponder package installed on your business site not only makes a lot of sense but in such a competitive business climate as the Internet, it is a necessity if a business is going to survive. You are in control of your business; you need to be able to oversee every facet, especially the most important one, marketing. With the advent of such great marketing tools such as Autoresponder Plus, you can literally boost your sales many times over. It’s definitely worth exploring.

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips