Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Free CD to Legally Slash Your Taxes...

Dear Friend,

Please find below a special message from Drew Miles, The Tax Saving Attorney and Pathfinder Business Strategies.

They have some very important tax saving strategies to share with you.

Drew has saved me over $97,210 in taxes and he can help you, too. Please take a few moments to read this life changing information.

Thank you.
Matt Bacak

37 Strategies the "Tax Man" doesn’t want you to know

Most people are taking less than ten percent (10%) of the tax deductions you are legally entitled to and dramatically and unnecessarily overpaying your taxes as a result!

To learn immediately about how you can legally reduce your taxes by 50% to 70%
Go Here.

Dear Friend,

It's time to stop getting ripped off from overpaying your taxes. I will help reduce your taxes by $10,000 or more. I Guarantee it!

My name is Drew Miles and fifteen years ago, shortly after opening my own law firm, I had what I now consider a defining moment in my career. I was beginning to make "real" money and as my income grew, I naturally became more concerned about taxes. Between Federal taxes, State taxes and Social Security or self-employment tax (what I now call the invisible tax killers) I was losing about fifty 50% percent of everything I earned.

The more I made, the more I paid in taxes. Now, like you, I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes. But this was out of control. How are you supposed to get ahead when you giving up half of everything you earn? I'll bet you're feeling the same way I was feeling; ripped off and taken advantage of. I'll bet you would like to reduce your tax bite.

The world is a funny place. The irony is that while you are paying forty (40%) percent or more in taxes, the wealthiest people in this country (people like Ross Perot, Donald Trump and Bill Gates) pay only single digits...reportedly between 4% and 5%. That's because they can afford the cost of high-priced tax attorneys and C.P.A's. Odds are you don't have $100,000 or more to invest in high priced experts.

The Good News is that the incredible tax savings comes from using the strategies, not from paying for high priced experts. When you learn the strategies, you'll enjoy the savings, too.

To learn more about how you can legally reduce your taxes by 50% to 70% Go Here.

Around that time I saw a television interview with Bill Gates. Although it was fairly early in his Microsoft career, he was already a very successful businessman. The interviewer asked him "Mr. Gates, what is the single most important thing that you can attribute your success to? Wow, that question really got my attention.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I just HAD to learn the secret to Bill Gates' success from the man himself.

Instantly, my mind started to race ahead. I figured he'd talk about things like perseverance and hard work, dedication and being a visionary. After all, he is responsible for bringing a whole new industry into being. But Bill Gates mentioned none of that. Instead, what he said blew my mind and put my career on a whole new path.

Bill Gates said that the secret to his (and your) business success is a good working knowledge of the tax code. Frankly, I was disappointed. You see, his answer wasn't very inspiring or sexy. In fact, I thought it was pretty dull. Until later that day when it finally hit me. You see, the power in his answer was in this subtle truth. It's not how much you make, its how much you keep that counts. This is what Bill Gates knew that I didn't yet appreciate. And when you unnecessarily pay upwards of 50% in taxes, you're not keeping very much of your money, are you?

From that moment on, I became obsessed with learning the secret tax strategies he was referring to. I knew that these strategies would save me (and my clients) thousands and thousands of dollars. And they can do the same for you.

To start saving money immediately, Go Here.

If you are depending on your Accountant or C.P.A. to save you money, you will be sorely disappointed and tens of thousands of dollars in the hole.

I spent hundreds of hours in the library researching. I read every book I could get my hands on. I attended seminars sponsored by the best business and accounting minds in this country. I acted like a private investigator on a mission. My mission was to learn the wealth secrets contained in the tax code.

As my research continued, I called up my "family" C.P.A. - Lenny. Lenny had done tax returns for my parents for 17 years and they trusted and relied on him. I called him one day and asked, "Lenny, did you know that under sections 105 and 106, my business can pay for the cost of ALL of my medical bills and insurance premiums, even things that my insurance policy doesn't cover like wellness care and alternative medicine, including deductibles and co-payment, with no cap or limits at all?

Lenny said he wasn't aware of that. O.K., I thought. No one knows everything. I can't fault him for missing one deduction.

I went back to my research.

A week or so later I called Lenny about another big deduction. I asked him "Are you aware that under section 74 your company can give away two tax- free awards worth $1,600 each year?

Lenny was not aware of that deduction, either. That's when I became concerned. I was starting to realize that I was missing some valuable tax saving deductions.

Knowing about this is not enough. You must proactively design and implement a methodical program to legally maximize your deductions.

A short time later, I called Lenny to inquire about another big tax saver. I had uncovered the fact that "C" corporations are taxed at the low rate of only 15% on their first $50,000 of net income. Wow, I thought, that's much less than the 40%-50% I'm used to paying.

This time Lenny's response almost floored me. This time, he was well aware of the strategy I was referring to. In fact, he was adamant. He said "of course I know that". I've been a C.P.A. for over 20 years and I've known about that one for a long time" he said proudly.

But I became more disturbed than ever. I realize that knowledge is one thing, but applied knowledge is another. Or, as Forest Gump would say "stupid is as stupid does." You see, you don't get the tax benefit from simply knowing about these deductions, you must apply them to get the savings.

So, I just had to ask Lenny one more question. "Lenny, I said, if you know about the 15% rate for 'C' corporations, then why don't you have me in a 'C' corporation?"

And there was dead silence. Disturbing silence. Lenny didn't have a good answer. You see, all his knowledge was not doing me or any of his clients any good if it wasn't being used.

And it was in that moment that I knew that people needed a resource. Someone who could proactively help them identify the tax deductions that they are legally entitled to. No "Grey areas"; no "Red Flags." Just the safe, secure and certain tax deductions that can benefit you the most. That's what I can help you with.

To learn more about how you can slash your taxes Go Here.

I have lectured all over the U.S. and Canada and taught over ten thousand people how to save thousands and thousands of dollars in taxes every year and protect themselves and their families from creditors and predators.
Whether you are making $50,000 or $500,000, I can show you how to slash your tax bill to the legal minimum.

For example, you will learn:

  • The 300 deductions that are available to real estate investors and small businesses like yours. Most business people are only using about 30, so you're probably missing out on 90% of the tax-saving deductions you are entitled to.

  • How properly structured LLC's and corporations can protect your assets and save you thousands in taxes each year.

  • How to upstream income from a high tax entity to a low tax entity. This single strategy can save you tens of thousands of dollars.

  • How to make your assets bullet proof. You'll be so protected that the predators of the world would be worse off if they sue you then if they left you alone in the first place.

  • How the Super-Rich really get ahead and stay ahead financially.

  • If you would like to learn how you can start saving money immediately Go Here.

    Permit me to share some case studies with you.

    Stephanie had two small businesses that brought in about $50,000 net income. Her family accountant had worked with her diligently to keep her taxes down. With his help, she was paying $4,500 in State and Federal taxes and $7,500 in social security. After she signed up for our program, she called me very upset one day. She said she had spoken to her accountant who told her she was wasting her time and money. In fact, he told her that the best she could hope for was to break even on the program. She said, "Drew, I don't know what to do. You see, I trust your opinion, but he's been our family accountant for 15 years. What can I do?"

    I assured her that I personally stand behind our guarantee. That if we couldn't uncover at least $10,000 in legitimate savings, I'd immediately refund her investment - plus 10%. Then, I suggested she get her C.P.A on a conference call.

    To learn how you can save more now, just Go Here.

    Now, understand that I take a great deal of pride in my work. Every single day I work with business people, from beginners to seasoned professionals who are unwittingly overpaying taxes and suffering as a result. Their businesses suffer. Their lifestyle suffers. And their relationships suffer as a result. Its important to me to do the best job possible for each and every person I work with.

    After some preliminary discussion, we got down to the heart of the matter. Her C.P.A. identified Steph's largest expenses and offered "but there is no way you can find any more deductions than we've already taken." I just love those kinds of challenges. So, during the next 15 minutes, I outlined 3 specific strategies for Steph and her C.P.A.

    After discussing the first one (and securing his approval) I asked her C.P.A. to calculate how much Steph would save. Realizing that C.P.A.'s are conservative by nature, I wrote the figure down. I repeated the process for the next two strategies, and added up the figures.

    In just 15 minutes - using only 3 strategies, I had saved Steph $11,200 by his calculations! How would you like to have a similar experience?

    Another of my clients, Dr. Perry, was already a successful chiropractor - making about $750,000 when we met. Yet, despite the best efforts of his accountant, his overall tax rate was about 35%. That's a tax bite of over $260,000. In one of our very first sessions, we discussed one of his "hobbies" - raising and showing horses. Between the boarding, feedings, trailer, vet bills and other related costs, his hobby was costing him almost $100,000 per year. I was able to show Dr. Perry how to turn his hobby into a viable business, which allowed him to write off all of those expenses. By his CPA's calculation, we were able to shift $96,000 from pre-tax dollars to after- tax dollars saving him over $48,000 in the process. And now, his new horse business has added tens of thousands of income to his bottom line besides!

    This is powerful stuff. Can you see how you can benefit from this information?

    To learn more now just Go Here.

    My FREE CD can teach you more about what you can do to legally slash your taxes.

    I've made is simple for you to learn more about how you can put these strategies to work and for yourself. I recently recorded a program entitled "Tax Loopholes of the Rich." It's packed with over 45 minutes of incredible, little known, super secret tax deductions that you can start to use immediately. When I shared it with my friends, they were amazed at how much they learned. In fact, several of them told me that this simple CD helped them uncover several thousand dollars in IMMEDIATE savings.

    You can have the CD for free. All I ask is that you pay the cost of shipping and handling - just $5.94. I'll also send you a special bonus just for taking action. I'll send you my special report THE POWER OF INCORPORATING (that's a $47.97 value) absolutely free and immediately as a way of saying "thank you."

    But, I can't give my CD away forever. I've produced a limited number of them for immediate distribution. If you want to secure your copy, you've got to act immediately. I'd hate for you to be left behind, sinking in a sea of missed tax deductions, wondering why you just can't get ahead financially. So, all you need to do now is Go Here and follow the steps to incredible tax savings.

    To Your Success,
    Drew Miles

    P.S. Don't forget, quantities are limited so, you've got to act now.

    P.P.S. My special report alone covers strategies to save you thousands of dollars.

    Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
    Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
    Author of Powerful Promoting Tips