Friday, July 07, 2006

Learn Our Secrets To Writing KILLER Web Copy...

Hey ,
It's late Thursday night so I'll keep this brief.

A few weeks ago Josh Brown and I did avery special training call where we unleashed some powerful strategies for creating products.

If you tried to get on the call you know that every single line was taken before we even started talking.

It was our most popular call ever, until now...

This Saturday morning at 10AM EST Joshand I are going to wake up early and show you how to turn words into money and create killer ad copy that sells like crazy!

Join us below:

On this training call you'll discover the steps we take to creating sale letters that sell like magic.

Plus, we'll reveal for the first time ever our killer sales copy formula.
But space is very limited, so please hurry below now and signup!

Matt Bacak
P.S. The last call Josh and I did wascompletely booked before we even started talking and I expect this call to be the same, so please sign up now and arrive at least 5 minutes early so you can be a part of this!