Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Power Of An Hour – How To Create Fearsome Focus...


You’ve probably heard the old adage that
we all get the same number of hours in a

You’ve probably also heard Gerber’s advice
to spend an hour a week working on your
business not “in” your business. And both
are true . . . and false.

There is real power in an hour *IF* you
know how to harness it.

Most don’t.

Dave Lakhani has written a new book called
The Power of an Hour: Business and life
mastery in one hour a week and it is amazing.

In the book Dave teaches you how to focus
on the 18 most important things in your
business and life that will increase your
success instantly. His Fearsome Focus
program and Power Hour programs are

Rather than wondering what to work on,
Dave gives you an exact plan for what
to work on for one hour each week and
exactly how to work on it so that you
maximize the results.

I strongly recommend this book, it has
revolutionized my thinking about how I
focus my time each day. What I found
really shocking (and you may too) is
how simple it really is to focus for
an hour on your life or business if
you know how and what to focus on.

...But even more shocking are the results.

I give this book my strongest endorsement
and hope you’ll grab a copy today. Dave
has also put together a massive group of
bonuses that are valued at over $3000.00
just for buying the book today.

Stephanie Frank, The Accidental Millionaire,
had this to say about Dave’s Power of an
Hour process:

"Dave's methods helped me take my
business from $0 to $10 million in sales.
If you're a creative business owner who
wants total focus and massive success, run,
don't walk, and get this book!"

Best regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I look forward to hearing of your
success using The Power of an Hour!

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips