Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Are you safe from Google?

Hey Friend,

It's spreading like wildfire!
Internet entrepreneurs are in a frenzy!
There is panic everywhere!

So, What's causing all the chaos?

It's Google and the alleged changes
they're making to their pay per click
program (Adwords).

The real question is, "Is all this google
talk hype or is it really all true?"

Find out Thursday night at 9PM Eastern
when Josh and I will share our insider
google adwords and adsense secrets!

Register Below Now:


Thursday night Josh and I will cover in
detail our answer to Google's most recent
scare as well as many other proven strategies
to profiting with Google.

Join us below:


This call promises to fill up quickly, so
don't delay register your seat now and show
up at least 10 minutes early so you won't miss
a thing.


Matt Bacak

P.S. Our Answer to Google's most recent scare may
shock you! You must attend this one time only
training call to here every little detail!


Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips