Friday, November 10, 2006

A Conversation with Matt Bacak...

I just got off the phone with Matt
and he was telling me how much fun he
had in Rome and in Naples, Italy.

(Now he's on his way to Paris -
he's taking his girls shopping)

It's like Where's Waldo this week.

While we were on the phone he said
something that I had to share with you
because I feel it's important for you
to know.

But first, did you realize that Matt
spends 2/3 of his time on the internet
doing it. Really just doing this stuff.

That's where he gets his ideas from, not from
some book that he read - like others I know.

The other third of his time in teaching
what he learns inside his businesses.

Okay - the guy comes to work in his
shorts and a tee-shirt every day - he
rarely ever shaves. That's why you
don't see him in online video much.

He plays with his kids and still dates his wife.

He loves to fly his personal plane whenever
he has a chance. (He's like a kid in
the air - it's so funny to watch him fly)

Basically he hasn't changed (okay, so he
has the toys he always dreamed of now). He is
still the same guy he ever was.

He still wears what he is comfortable in
because he owns his buiness and consquently
owns his life... He is having fun on vacation
from "work" that he considers play.

Ok - Back to the conversation.

When he called, we talked about how the information
that we put together for you can really change
your life. If you just impliment it.

He said to me. "You know this is so
important to get out to the world becasue
it really can change people's lives".

Using the strategies inside the home study
course, you can get the car you always wanted,
the lifestyle you've been looking for, more time
with your family. These strategies are so powerful
you can create the life you always dreamed of.

If I can do this, so can you...

Imagine... being able to generate money
online, at the touch of a button.

Imagine that you have a system that allows you to operate
your business from anywhere that has Internet access.

Imagine that system automates your business so you can
walk away, go on a vacation or business trip... and money
rolls in even while you're gone.

Is it possible? You bet it is. I'm living proof.
And so are many of Matt's other students, who have
built businesses just like ours.

Order Now Here:

And you can do it too - even if you're clueless about
computers and technology. We have been quietly teaching
people all across the world to do what we have done.

But Friend, we have a problem. We only have 127
packages of the Renegade Internet Marketing set... so
don’t delay a second longer...

Go get it below Right Now, while the supplies last:

To your Success,

Josh Brown