Friday, February 02, 2007

URGENT: Google and AOL freakin suck...(READ This NOW)

Hi Friend,

If you are doing anything on the internet then
you need to pay close attention to what I'm about
to say about Google and AOL changes...

...but first. What do Google, ground
hogs and AOL have in common?


I just wanted to say Groundhogs
because it's Groundhogs Day.

Happy Groundhogs Day!

On a more serious note.

IMPORTANT NEWS: Google and AOL have made some
major changes in the last two weeks that you will
want to pay close attention to.

Google incorporated into its search engine a Googlebomb-sniffing
that somehow manages to identify and neutralise any concerted
effort to skew search results for a word or phrase.

Google's search engine originally worked according to a
simple principle: web pages were ranked according to the number
of links they received from other sites, with each link weighted
to reflect a site's popularity. That principle is still part of
the equation, but Google's software has become much more
complicated over the years.

Google's search engine operates according to an array of sophisticated
and secret algorithms crafted by the company's brilliant coders.

It's a machine that's been tweaked to do precisely what
Google instructs it to do, even if that might mean filtering
results to protect the company's reputation.

Regarding AOL, This one really tick's me off.

Getting emails through AOL is getting tougher. AOL made changes to
Goodmail. Goodmail is a 2 year old AOL concept on a method of stamping
email's destined for there users. The system was implemented in stages
with the latest stage coming online roughly 2 weeks ago.

Essentially AOL has shut down anything but whitelisted,
can-spam compliant, haebius or goodmail stamped email

Alot of people are getting emails stopped by them.

I was testing out a new server in Florida using a $36k
strong mail box (suppose to guarantee email to get through
- ya right), I personally saw 10k AOL emails blocked.

You may have know this part below but I wanted you to be aware.

Good guys, clean lists can get blocked too because someone could
accidently hit the report spam button right next to the delete button
and then aol blocks you. Read what aol says below:

"When an AOL member clicks "this is spam" for a piece of
email sent from one of your IPs, this is considered a "complaint"

IMPORTANT: What that means is a few people that
accidently click report spam can get you blocked.

Here are some things to help get through...

Are you abiding by CAN-SPAM act? Make sure that you put,
address, unsubscribe link and real phone number in the footer
of all emails. That will help you big time. :-)

To Your Success,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you want in-deph coverage on
things just like this go here now: