Monday, June 11, 2007

Article Tips Every Internet Entrepreneur Should Know

Articles are a potent tool that every Internet entrepreneur should incorporate into their Internet business. Articles help create an Internet presence, drive traffic to your website, and improve sales. You can submit articles to numerous Internet article directories. This enables your article, and name, to spread like wild fire on the Internet. You should constantly write and submit articles.

Following are common questions regarding articles that every Internet entrepreneur should know:

Article Question #1: Should you post articles on your branding site after the articles have been submitted to Internet article directories through Article Submitter Pro?
Yes, you should strive to always post the articles to your branding site after you submit them to Internet article directories. You can also post articles to your Blog or My space account. The key is to have articles accessible to everyone. Thus as you want to create as many outlets as possible for your articles.

Article Question #2: Let’s say that you have submitted an article to an Internet article directory. Would it be a good idea to then turn the article in to a press release?
Yes, definitely. You can repurpose the content of your article into many forms including a press release. You can tweak the press release content so that is applies to current news.

Article Question #3: Each article has an article resource box with contact information. Should the article resource box contain a link to your sales letter, content page, or squeeze page?
You should provide a link to your squeeze page in the article resource box. This way you can determine what type of traffic is coming to your squeeze page. It will also help you determine where the traffic is coming from. You will obtain this information when you capture their personal information when they subscribe to your list.

Articles are as important to your Internet business as the air we breathe so write and submit as many articles as you can. If you don’t like to write the articles then enlist the services of a freelance writer. Once you submit an article to an Internet article directory then it can be posted on other websites. You would be amazed at how quickly your article can be spread across the Internet. This improves your Internet presence and leads to new subscribers and increased sales.

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