Sunday, August 19, 2007

“6 Tips for Video Blogs”

Are you a Blogger? Do you write only text in your Blog or have you added in images as well? If you have only text and images then you are behind the times in Blog technology. Video Blogging is sweeping the Internet and creating a frenzy with Internet marketers. Video Blogging enables potential customers to view you and the product. They become familiar with you and your products which will increase sales.

Since most people have not yet ventured into the field of video blogging they will most likely have loads of questions. Following are 6 tips that will help you get started in video blogging.

6 Tips for Video Blogs:
Video Blog Tip #1: What camera should you use to create a video Blog? Just buy the cheapest camera you can find. It doesn’t matter what equipment you have, it is how you use the equipment. The goal is to subscribe people to your show, not to spend money on the most expensive equipment.

Video Blog Tip #2: Use Sony Movie Studio to create video Blogs. This is the recommended software that both novice and experts will enjoy using.

Video Blog Tip #3: Creating video Blogs should be a goal, but not at first. Why? Videos take more time and effort. Master text and audio Blogs before you move on to video Blogs. You want to make sure that you understand the ins and outs of Blogs before you step up to advanced video Blogs.

Video Blog Tip #4: What type of microphone should you use to create a video Blog? Video Blogs can be created using a lavaliere microphone. You can also find microphones that plug directly into the USB port on your computer. You can find a great, quality microphone for only $99.

Video Blog Tip #5: Produce video Blogs in real time with no editing. Don’t waste time editing; just get your video out there. You will seem more natural and thus people will trust you more.

Video Blog Tip #6: You want a good picture and clear sound. Make sure you have lights that are 300 watts or higher. Make sure that your microphone is close to you. A microphone that is built in the camera doesn’t work as well.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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