Tuesday, October 02, 2007

“Your $100,000 Teleseminar: Are you prepared?”

Let’s say that you want to have a free teleseminar on a Thursday. This is the perfect day of the week to try to make $100,000 through this call. You’ve let people know about the call by sending an email giving the date and time, but what else do you need to do to prepare?

Follow these steps:

Step #1: Get the phone lines for the teleseminar. Book them with the phone company. Use the website http://www.freeteleconnection.com if you are going to need less than 100 phone lines for the call. Use http://www.eagletelecom.com if you will have more than 100 people on the call.

You need to make sure that you have enough phone lines for the call. You need to book the lines first so you can give people the telephone number to call and the pin number to use.

Step #2: Set up a squeeze page. This squeeze page is specifically designed to get people to sign up for the teleseminar. It is a called a “squeeze page-tele”. It lets people know all about the call including the time and what will be talked about on the call. Have people subscribe at this page. The Autoresponder will capture their information and immediately send them an email. The email will thank them for signing up for the teleseminar and give them the telephone number, pin code, and instructions.

Tip: Getting rich is not about originality, it is about modeling great things. Success leaves clues so use templates from successful teleseminars used in the past.

Make sure you ask for these three things on the squeeze page:
1. Ask for their name.
2. Ask for their email address
3. Ask for their phone number

Why should you also get their phone number? Let’s say the teleseminar is going to be at 9pm. At 8:45pm you send an email reminder about the call. Then at 8:50pm you send out a voice broadcast to remind people about the call. Most people don’t send out this voice broadcast which can be very effective in getting more people to actually show up for the call. The voice broadcast gets them on the phone so they will stay on the phone for your teleseminar.

What should you say in the voice broadcast? Say something like the following…

“Hi this is Matt Bacak. I just wanted to let you know that tonight I have special guest “X” to talk about “X”. You are registered for the call at this number. I want to make sure you get on the call. The phone number is “X” and the pin code is “X”. If you miss that phone number, don’t worry. Just check your email because I sent this information to your email five minutes ago. I wish I could call everybody personally, but I am already on the call waiting for you.”

So when you send out the voice broadcast then you have already gotten the phone in their hands. (They need the phone in order to get on the call.) This strategy will increase the amount of attendance you will have.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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