Friday, September 28, 2007

“5 Questions about the role of Articles in your Internet Business”

Articles are a powerful viral marketing tactic that can spread your presence across the web and bring in loads of sales. Many Internet businesses have questions regarding articles. For example, how should they submit articles to the Internet? Following is a list of common questions about articles that can benefit any Internet business entrepreneur from a novice to an old hand.

Article Question #1: How do I submit articles to the Internet?

Answer: Since you will be submitting several articles on a consistent basis you should invest in an article submission program. A top choice is Article Submitter Pro. Article Submitter Pro is automated article submission software. Another software program you can use is Article Announcer.

Article Question #2: Here’s my situation. I have written 10 articles and want to submit them to the Internet. The question is – Should I submit these articles through Article Submitter Pro or should I go to each website directly and submit the article?
Answer: The easiest method is to use Article Submitter Pro. In Article Submitter Pro you register for websites that are relevant to your website niche. You can submit 10 articles quickly to all these websites through Article Submitter Pro.

If you don’t use Article Submitter Pro then you can go to each individual website. Be aware that this will take more time. So submit to websites that have the highest Google page rank first.

Article Question #3: What days of the week are best to submit articles if you don’t have the time to submit articles every day?

Answer: The time to submit articles is to find a rhythm, a habit. The search engines really like it if you submit articles on a consistent basis such as every 3 days or submitting only on Wednesdays at 9am for example. Make sure to also submit the same number of articles each time.

Article Question #4: Here’s my situation. I have purchased Article Submitter Pro and have begun the process of registering for all the article submission sites. Some of the article submission sites are very specific to a niche. I am in real estate. My question is – Should I submit to all the article sites or just the sites that are in the real estate industry?

Answer: Only submit to the sites that are in your industry. Delete the other unrelated sites.

Article Question #5: Does AOL have any new rules regarding article content?

Answer: Article submission rules have remained the same for AOL. (At least for now.)

Article Submitter Pro
Article Announcer
Article submission

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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