Monday, November 19, 2007

“The DEEP Formula for Internet Success”

The DEEP Formula:
DEEP #1 D = Diverse – You need a network of lists and sub-lists. Email marketing gives you lists, but you also need sub-lists.

Following are four sub-lists/databases you should build.
1. Announcement list database: The topics of announcements range from free updates, eBooks, to allowing other publishers print your articles in their newsletters. The announcement list lets people know that new things are available and asks the list if they are interested in the new items.

An example of an announcement list is when you ask people to subscribe to your list to be notified when you have new products available. Another example is when software companies ask for your email address so they can inform you of software updates. Another example is to have people give you their email address so they can find out more information in a series. These are very effective ways to capture the email addresses of your customers.

2. Registration database: An example is to give away something free, such as an eBook, to get their email address. Another example is software programs that have a free trial period after which the software is locked until you register for an official copy of it.

Tip: You can allow people to pass the eBook or software around to other people. This is viral marketing that will greatly increase the number of people in your list because they have to register to use the official copy of the software (and unlock the software).

3. Partnership database: Create this through joint ventures and partnerships.

4. Bonuses database: Instead of just giving away free items, have the people request them. For example, have people give you their name and email before they can obtain the free eBook or bonus.

Tip: Send an Autoresponder sequence of emails to these lists in which you provide valuable content as well as sell your products and services. If you want to make money then keep sending these emails to your lists.

DEEP #2 E = Effective. You need to maximize your profits. You must provide quality and useful content for your subscribers. You should give content first to prove your worth and then sell to them. If you provide quality information they will buy from you.

DEEP #3 E = Educational. You need to educate your subscribers and continue to build relationships. Don’t sell to them all the time because they will not trust you and become tired of your constant selling. Remember that these are people and not just email addresses. You should look out for their best interest by giving them education and help. This generosity will make them want to buy from you.

DEEP #4 P = Proactive. You need to aggressively build your lists. Always look for opportunities to build your list. For example, if you participate in a joint venture then find ways to increase your list from this.

Tip: With a good list you can generate profits within hours. Build a relationship with your list and you’re a golden.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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