Thursday, February 21, 2008

“6 Top Business Mistakes”

6 Top Business Mistakes:

Business Mistake 1: People don't have a marketing mindset. They undervalue the value of marketing. It doesn't matter if you are people person or computer savvy. If you have no clients to sell to then you aren't going to make money. Marketing is the fuel that enables you to drive the car of your Internet business.

You should also understand marketing and not simply outsource it. You can outsource the actual physical tasks, but you should understand the concepts behind the marketing. This will enable you to keep tabs on your marketing efforts and make sure that you are on track to success.

Business Mistake 2: People that are transaction marketers instead of relationship marketers. Too many people focus on selling one product to a customer. The more lucrative and easier method is to build a relationship with a customer so they continue to buy from you over and over.

You can maximize profits through relationships. For example, you can have a membership website that not only builds your relationships with your clients, but also earns you recurring income each month.

Business Mistake 3: People think that name recognition is more powerful than direct response marketing. This is a fallacy. Your goal is to receive a response. In other words, you want people to buy your products and not just think that you are a celebrity.

Business Mistake 4: People don't understand the difference between marketing and selling. Selling is something you do on the phone or in a face to face meeting. Marketing is what you do to get people on the phone with you. Marketing enables you to position people so that they are pre-qualified, predisposed, and interested in giving you money. You can do all your selling in advance with the right type of marketing message.

Business Mistake 5: People don't understand the value of a message. Think about money. A $1 and a $5 bill use the same type of paper, but they give completely different messages. One bill is worth more than other bill. The Internet is like the type of paper. Your message is like the monetary value of the bill. Do you convey a $1 message or a $5 message?

Business Mistake 6: People don't convey practical information in their marketing and advertisements. They spend too much time creating a pretty logo and boasting claims. They don't realize that you will reel in more customers if you provide them with information they can use and are interested in.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for my Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I'm doing to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt'. It's now better than ever before!
Go here and get a copy:

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