Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How To Reach The Top Spot In Google

Many Internet business entrepreneurs wish they had the inside scoop on Google. How can they increase their placement in the Google search engine results? Using Google AdWords is a great place to start. However, if you want to reach the top of the Google search engine then you should engage in a Blog on your website.

Blogs have become very popular in the past year. Blogs are a great way to post content to your website that allows readers to post responses and comments. Blogs can be used as a testing center for your market research. You can ask people what type of products and services they want. People become involved in the process by submitting their opinions. People love to submit their ideas and become an active participant in the product creation process.

How do Blogs increase your placement in the Google search engine results? First, the Blogs increase the amount of content on your website. Google loves to see content. The more content you have the better. If you have a great deal of content then Google will deem you an “authority site” on the topic. Google thinks that you are providing a great service rather just having a page full of advertisements.

Plus, in Blogs the content is not only created by you, but the Blog readers as well. Keywords are often present in Blog messages which helps Google placement.

You can also turn your Blog postings into an eBook in the future. Your Blog provides free content while your EBook will make money.

Blogs sound like the way to go, but what Blog program should I use? The top Internet Marketers in the world recommend WordPress. WordPress is available at Caution – use only the WordPress software and not the hosting service they provide. Instead, get your own domain and hosting account. Install WordPress on your hosting account. Then you are ready to Blog.

Another advantage of WordPress is that it is a top pick for many search engines. WordPress creates site maps and automatically pings the search engines each time you update your Blog. The best news is that WordPress is FREE.

Make Blogging a part of your daily schedule and your Google search engine placement will raise dramatically. What are you waiting for?

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