Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to Write Foolproof Media Releases

Are you looking for inexpensive ways to promote yourself or your business? Well, read on about media releases, one of the most cost effective promotion vehicles available. Free publicity resulting from a media release sounds good, but how do you go about getting it? The first step is to write foolproof media releases.

Many people ‘gasp’ at the thought of committing the written word to the page. Don’t be scared, just apply these quick and easy steps to write foolproof media releases! Let’s get started!

Always remember when writing your media release that editors will likely give you a ’10 second’ glance to see if the topic is newsworthy. Make sure you cover all the media release basic essentials to ensure your media release isn’t ‘tossed’ before it gets even the 10-second once-over.

Before You Start Writing Your Media Release

Before you even begin typing, take a moment and determine ‘what is your story’ or ‘what is your angle’. What do you want to communicate and why? Some media release ideas are the launch of new product, change in your company that affects your customers, or an event that affects your industry.

Remember that a media release is not an advertisement; your story needs to be a newsworthy account about you or your company.

Essentials for Media Releases

You are ready to start writing, take the time to familiarize yourself with the essentials required in all media releases.

· “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” on the top left of the page

· Contact name, title, address, phone number, fax number, email address

· Headline, bold and centered on the page (more on writing effective headlines later)

· Location and date

· No more than one page in length

· Be concise and grammatically correct (no spelling errors!)

· At the bottom, provide a bio on the company, person etc. Provide brief details and remember to include a website address where readers can get more information.

O.k. the essentials are the easy part, let’s delve into the guts of your media release and the tools for writing effective content.

Effective Media Release Content

1. Headline – Some PR people say that you need to spend as much time writing the headline as you do on writing the entire content of the media release. The headline needs to capture attention, while at the same time convey the content of the media release. The headline may be the only thing an editor reads of your media release so ensure it’s a good one!

2. Paragraph structure – Make sure you make your most important statements in the first paragraph, waiting too long could mean your media release is never read! The headline along with your opening paragraph should tell a gripping story. Answer the five critical questions, who, what, where, when and why. The last paragraph is your call to action - make it clear and compelling.

3. Writing Style – Keep your audience for the media release in mind and ensure all information is factual and relevant to that audience. Provide statistics and/or relevant quotes that substantiate the information you are providing. Limit jargon and slang.

4. Distribute – Spend the time researching and creating a distribution list. Effective media releases do work; you just need to ensure that you send your media release to the right places. Check out industry associations, relevant publications (both print and online), newswire services, PRWeb, the opportunities are endless!

Writing a foolproof media release will take a little time and effort. The rewards of free publicity, resulting in even more customers and revenue are worth the investment! Why not try writing and distributing a media release today!

Marketing Tips Provided to You by:
Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter
Author of Powerful Promoting Tips