Friday, June 15, 2007

5 Steps to a money-spinning Seminar

Are you an Internet entrepreneur ready to put on your first seminar? If so, congratulations! A seminar is a giant leap into Internet business success. Whether this is your first or hundredth seminar, you always want it to sell out. What strategies can you use to promote the seminar that sells it out in no time?

The first step is to make sure that you have signed a contract with the hotel for the date of the seminar. Why? You are now legally obligated to pay for the hotel. This signed contract is a powerful motivation when it comes to selling out the seminar. Signing a contract holds you accountable.

The second step is to write an order form for the seminar. Your order form should include information about the offer, bonuses, and everything a person will receive when they attend the seminar. Give specific monetary values for the bonuses. For example, one bonus could be the option to bring a friend for free to the seminar. State the monetary value of the seminar. Another example is to offer a free audio recording of the seminar. Make sure to add up the value of the bonuses to make the seminar more attractive to potential attendees.

The third step is to write a sales letter that sells the seminar. Gear the entire sales letter towards the seminar including costs and benefits. Your sales letter should have people clamoring to obtain a spot at the seminar.

The fourth step is to decide on promotional strategies. A highly effective promotional strategy is to have a teleseminar before the seminar. Invite your subscriber list to the teleseminar. The purpose of the teleseminar is to sell your seminar. Educate the listeners and then promote your seminar event. Start off with a teleseminar for your list as this is a great testing ground. Then conduct an improved version of the teleseminar for other people’s lists.

The fifth step includes following up after the teleseminar. When the teleseminar is finished, email an audio of the teleseminar to your list. This enables listeners to hear your seminar event offer again. They are more likely to sign up for the seminar at this time if they didn’t during the original teleseminar.

Don’t just send a direct link to the audio in your email. Instead, send an email in your Autoresponder that sends your list to a squeeze page. On the squeeze page they will have to provide personal information in order to receive the audio of the teleseminar. This method creates a specific list of people that listened to the audio.

Make sure to capture all their information including street address. The purpose of obtaining their address is to have the ability to snail mail the list an offer to come to the seminar. What offer should you snail mail your client list? You can print the sales letter you created for the Internet and send it.

Essentially, you want to promote your seminar event in several ways. You can promote to your list until they all unsubscribe. The odds of your entire list unsubscribing are pretty slim, so promote to them constantly. This will ensure the best chance of selling out your seminar.

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