Wednesday, November 21, 2007

“6 More Tips to Make Money from your Customer List”

6 more ways to make money from your list:
1. Give away free items to earn profits on the back end.
An example is to give away a free eBook in the beginning. Then at the end of the content of the eBook, it offers things to buy from you. You can also give away e-courses and reports. Within this content you can integrate the sale of your products. Just make sure you provide quality content interspersed with sales content.

2. Give trial offers. You find an affiliate program that offers a trial period. For example, you give away a month or two month trial of the affiliate’s program. Many affiliate programs are happy to give away free trial periods because they know that most people who sign up will continue to use the program after the free trial period.

3. Offer demos. An example is to give away a demo of your software or program. The demo has an expiration date.

4. Offer training videos. An example is to make a training video on how to use a software program. Make sure to give your affiliate link with the offer so when people actually buy the software you will earn a commission.

5. Turn your subscribers into marketing partners. Have your list members actively promote your business for you. You can turn a small list into an army of people that generate business for you.

How do you accomplish this? When people first sign up for your list, send them a free eBook. Provide a link with this eBook which lets them promote your business by sending this free eBook to other people that they know.

Tip: Don’t look at your list as just people you can sell to, but as people that can sell for you and promote your business.

6. Use two-tier affiliate programs. Build a down line by using the list members and give your list members eBooks to help build their own business. Your list members give away this free material and earn a commission and you earn commission on any sales that are generated.

Tip: Train people how to become more effective affiliates so you can make more money from them.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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