Friday, November 30, 2007

“The NET- Marketing System – Step Two”

Remember, the 3 Step Net-marketing System:

N – Niche

E – Expert

T – Target

Let’s look at the second step.

Step #2: Establish yourself as an expert in that niche. Learn everything you possibly can about your niche. Know the audience. Know their problems. Know the competition. Become an authority within your niche. Read everything you can about your niche. Discover and create solutions to their problems. Focus on the problems. Focus on how you can solve these problems.

Attend meetings, seminars, and talk to people on the phone that are in your niche. The more you practice these skills, the easier it will become and the more you will become. Be generous and be helpful. People will be more apt to help you if you provide reciprocal services and establish a relationship.

How do you create your product? First make sure you have done the research and have identified the problems in your niche. Speak with other experts in your niche. Interview them and record the interviews. Complete market research about products already available on the market.

You can create an eBook from these interviews and market research. You can turn these interviews into CDs and home study courses as well. Essentially, you can provide informational products that can be presented in a wide variety of formats.

Tip: Don’t be shy. Get out there and meet people in person or talk to them on the phone.

Once you create your product than it’s time to get testimonials. You want people to try your product and give their comments on it. Testimonials are powerful marketing tools that will convince future customers to buy your products. Testimonials build credibility. Testimonials can be created for any niche out there. Don’t skip testimonials otherwise you will lose out on thousands or even millions dollars of profit.

You can approach people for testimonials through the phone, snail mail, and email. You can meet them at seminars and conferences. You should ask experts in the niche as well as a typical customer.

What should you say in the testimonial request? Ask them if you could send them your product and if they could use it and provide a testimonial.

Also, while you are working on acquiring testimonials, you can create your website.

Also, spend time answering questions in the newsgroup for your niche. Be generous about answering questions, but do not just tell people to go to your website. If you only advertise your website then you will be kicked out of the newsgroup. The purpose of the newsgroup is not to be an advertising board, but to provide free information and discussion about your niche. However, you can include a link to your website after your name. Just make sure to carefully read the rules of the newsgroup to ensure that you are following them properly.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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