Saturday, December 22, 2007

“3 Small Secrets that can make a Huge Difference”

Following are three small secrets you can use in your Internet that make a big difference.

Secret #1: You want to have active hyperlinks in your emails. People are lazy. They won’t take the time to copy and paste an inactive link into their browser. You can ensure that you have provided an active link by putting a space in right after you type in the hyperlink. This may seem like a small tip, but it could be worth thousands of dollars in revenue.

Secret #2: What’s the first thing you have to have when you want to market online? The first thing you need is a product. You have to have a product to market whether it is yours or somebody else’s product.

Many people start off by promoting other people’s products through affiliate marketing. Then they create their own product in the future. This is one way to enter the Internet market, but it won’t earn you the most money. Why? If you are affiliate then you won’t earn as much money as the person whose product you are selling.

Affiliate marketing is great for supplemental income. However, if you want your primary income to come from your Internet business then you need to sell your own product. You can also have affiliates work for you.

If you market your own product then you will make 100% of the products. Creating and selling your product will take you more time, energy, and money to get started. However, these upfront issues will be overcome quickly when you earn all the cash and not have to give any of it away.

Secret #3: Your product doesn’t have to change the world. You don’t have to be a creative superstar. You simply have to get a product out there that you can market.

One of the biggest problems people have when they jump online and decide to build an Internet business is that they’re mind goes blank. For some reason they forget about their experiences in traditional business. They believe that the online business world works so differently, that their old corporate business skills make no sense. This is incorrect. You have to use the same skills that you used before.

What are some skills that you still need to use online? You still need to market your product, satisfy your customers, and build a system just to name a few. You should also seek out what customers want and give it to them. People always crave information.

Brainstorm and think about your past experience and knowledge. Do you have information that other people need? Can you write a manual that will help people? For example, can you write a manual that helps people set the timer on their VCR? You can search the Internet to find out what topics people are searching for. You can combine this demand with your background to provide an informational product.

There may be information and tasks that you take for granted, but other people don’t understand. For example, you may know how to set up a computer and connect it to the Internet, but many people don’t. You can create training material that helps these people do it on their own. The options on things you can teach are endless.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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