Tuesday, December 04, 2007

“Mastermind Principles for Internet Businesses”

If your run an Internet business then you need to know these mastermind principles and the ins and outs of Internet marketing.

Mastermind principles every Internet business owner should know:

1. You have to associate with the right people. You have to listen to successful mentors that know what they are doing. Your success will skyrocket if you do business with and learn from successful Internet entrepreneurs.

2. There is a formula of success. Follow the steps of the formula and you will be successful.

3. Multiply your wealth and compound it.

4. Write down your goals.

Check out this 1951 Harvard Business School Study – Of the business school graduates they found that only 3% had written goals and had a plan to achieve them. They followed the graduates through out their lives. They found that the graduates who had written goals were much more successful financially then the other 97% that didn’t write goals. The graduates that wrote their goals were worth $16 million dollars each as opposed to the other 97% that were worth only $15,000 each.

Napoleon Hill’s Famous Formula for Goals:


1. “I am so happy that _______________”.
Fill in the blank with your goal. For example, I am so happy that I am earning millions of dollars on the Internet. Write down a date as well to give you a timeframe goal. For example, I am so glad that I was on Oprah promoting my million dollar business by June 25, 2010.

2. Take action. Everybody has things that they know they should do, but they don’t. They don’t accomplish these tasks out of laziness and/or fear. Write these tasks and activities down. Make sure to read what you have written so that you take action. Write down your wishes and your dream will come true.

Now let’s take a look at Internet marketing. Internet marketing is the ultimate direct response marketing venue. Internet marketing is another medium that you can use in direct marketing.

The five advantages of Internet marketing include:

1. The cost is 0 dollars. You can market for free.

2. Speed. Your email marketing can arrive instantly.

3. The reach. You can reach a global market, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

4. A webpage can stay up forever. You don’t throw it away, you just update it.

5. The Internet allows you to automate a great deal of your business processes. In traditional direct response marketing you have to physically create and mail out marketing materials. In Internet marketing you can use Autoresponders and other automatic software programs that involve no extra work on your part.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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