Thursday, December 06, 2007

Personal Invitation from Matt....

If you're in a hurry, please go take a look at this:

You've purchased ebooks.

You've downloaded software tools.

Perhaps you've even invested in seminars.

And yet, you still feel like something is... missing.

You've tried to apply what you have learned, but it seems like there
are just too many pieces for you to put together.

You want to succeed with your Internet business, but so far nothing is

That all changes today!

No, this is not about another ebook.

No, you are NOT going to be presented with the latest software tool.

And no, you aren't going to be invited to a "pitch-fest".

What you are about to see is quite possibly the world's "magnum opus"
on Internet marketing-- the greatest education ever offered.

Let me explain...

This fall, Joel Comm made history by producing the world's very first
competitive reality show, "The Next Internet Millionaire".

This groundbreaking show took Internet marketing to a whole new level
with it's high production values and top-notch content.

During the show, the twelve contestants were privileged to learn from
Internet millionaires such as Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Jeff Walker,Marlon
Sanders, Mike Filsaime, Perry Marshall, Brad Fallon and Rich Schefren.

If you watched the show, you only got to see a FEW MINUTES of each of
the twelve teachers. The nuggets from the show have inspired people in
their businesses, but most viewers have been asking to see more of the real
secrets revealed.

That's why I am very excited to tell you how Joel wants to help you
with your internet business so that you can get on the road to being the
next Internet millionaire!

For the first time ever, Joel is making the COMPLETE teaching from The
Next Internet Millionaire available in a home-study course that contains
everything you need to know to truly succeed online!

It's called "The Secret Classroom", and you are invited to enter!

The material in this course has changed the lives of all twelve
contestants,with several of them already having successful five-figure product

In the past, there have been several "seminar-based" products available
from various marketers, but none of them can compare to the Secret

Never before have so many superstars of Internet marketing been
assembled teach their greatest secrets and strategies PURELY so others can
succeed online. There was absolutely NO pitching or selling during these

You won't find this kind of teaching anywhere
else, so I encourage you to check it out at:

After taking a look at what is in The Secret Classroom, I have no doubt
that this will go down in history as THE definitive course on Internet
marketing. I suspect that these will sell out quickly and the price will go up
over the next few days, so I recommend that you hurry and grab your copy of The
Secret Classroom right away!

To your success!

Matt Bacak

PS- There's an amazing preview video, plus previews of all the
teachers. In fact you will learn something just from watching the previews! So you
owe it to yourself to check it out:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097