Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Made an Error In Yesterday’s teleseminar Announcement....

I'll tell you about my error in just a minute,
because it effects you. But first...

Thursday at 2:00 PM EST, your entire
perception of internet marketing will
be totally and radically changed...

Forget about "e-zines" and "pay per clicks" and
"optimization" for a minute, and focus on this:

How I made over $500,000 in December using
this strategy - and I'm convinced that if I
had to start over tomorrow, I'd be back to
that level of income within 2 or 3 months.

The teleseminar on Thursday is not
free - it costs $77. And it will be
worth 100 times that amount to you.

**BUT**...For the first 100 people to register,
I will pay your registration fee.

That's where my error was. I realized that I
had made a commitment to 12 other people for
them to join this call at my expense - so the
number of free lines available as I write this
is only 88 - not 100. So register now...

...to register, by going below Right Now:


I'll tell you more about this and the
other accomplishments this week, but don't
wait to register. Do it right now:


Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097