Thursday, February 28, 2008

“3 Reasons why you aren’t living your dream.”

What are the 3 biggest problems in going forward with your dreams, goals, and desires? Let’s look at numbers first. Did you know that 97% of the world isn’t where they want to be in life? There are several reasons why this is the case. Let’s look at three reasons.

Reason #1: People want things to be perfect. Things don’t have to be perfect. Instead, you should strive to simply get your business going. If you try to be perfect then you will delay your business success. You can’t wait until things are all perfectly in place because they never will be!

Look at your own Internet business. What aspects have you been dragging your feet about because you want them to be perfect? Have you spent countless weeks or even months tweaking your website? Have you been indecisive about which marketing products to buy? List what you have been indecisive about and find out if it is because you are looking for the perfect solution. Don’t focus on a perfect solution. Instead focus on choices that can get your Internet business started right now.

Reason #2: People have too large of goals. Have you jumped into the Internet business world because of the millions you could earn? The answer is of course. Seeing Internet entrepreneurs make millions of dollars is very tempting. However, you will shoot yourself in the foot if you focus on making millions right from the get go.

Instead, you need to create an action plan that helps you achieve smaller goals. Focus on making your first dollar and then increase the size of your goals accordingly. This goal structure will increase your chances for success. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was the Internet business of Internet millionaires.

Reason #3: People don’t celebrate their small victories. You need be your own cheerleader. Avoid people that are negative. Surround yourself with people that will cheer your efforts no matter how large or small.

Every level of income demands a different “you”. Every single different level of income requires a different type of person. The person can always be you, but your mindset and actions have to match your level of income. For example, think about who you need to be around in order earn $200,000 or $1,000,0000. What tasks should you engage in? What confidence level do you need?

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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