Tuesday, March 04, 2008

“How can you reach more customers?”

Using audio on your Internet website can boost your opt-in rate and bottom line. Up to a few years ago, trying to implement audio on your website was an arduous task. This is no longer the case. You can make your own high quality recordings and utilize them on your Internet business website. This can be accomplished in an easy and affordable manner. Audio is an exciting component that dramatically enhances the effectiveness of your website.

There are numerous ways to use audio to create money generating products. The learning curve is small. Don’t be afraid of audio equipment as there are easy to use audio packages available on the market today. Advancements in technology have made these audio packages extremely effective. Plus, customers perceive higher quality audio products as having a higher value. They will pay more money for products.

Exploiting the use of audio throughout your Internet business website can triple your opt-in rate and sales. For example, having audio that instructs people how to sign up for your opt-in list will snag many more customers then simple text. Another example is to have audio on your order form that up sells higher ticket items to your customer. Yet another example is to reuse content by recording it through teleseminars. You can sell these teleseminars as products.

You can create audio products within minutes. No longer do you have to sit down and write a 100 page book. This could take months or even years. Instead, you can talk into a microphone and record it. You can discuss your content much faster then writing it down and formatting it.

An audio version of your products will increase your profits. Many people prefer listening to a CD as opposed to reading a book. They can listen to your CD in their car. They can listen to it while they are cooking dinner and working out. This promotes flexibility for the customer. This leads to more sales. In addition, you can sell audio products for a higher ticket price and customers will gladly pay the increased price because they perceive the audio as having a higher value.

An audio version of your product will reach more customers. Many customers are auditory learners. They prefer, comprehend, and absorb more information through audio. Tap into this learning format and use it to your advantage.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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