Thursday, March 20, 2008

Outsourcing – How to Find the Top Experts and Increase Productivity

If you’re an online website owner, you know how chaotic it can be maintaining and building the various aspects of your online business. None of these tasks should be ignored as they are essential to growing your business. But what can help is prioritizing your tasks by placing the most profitable ones at the top of your list. If one task is going to draw in more traffic this also means more customers and more business for you.

However, it is very likely that your list does not only consist of a few “to-do’s”. It’s most likely that your list is never ending. But don’t be discouraged. There is help for you!

Have you ever considered outsourcing the various tasks of your business? This is an excellent strategy at leveraging your efforts for greater profit in a shorter period of time. Just imagine if you had to do everything yourself? Can you see how long it would take? You could have been up and running with a particular aspect of your business if you didn’t have to learn the software – which took you a month to learn. Well, how about leaving that to the experts! You will find lots of masters of their own craft by using outsourcing websites like There are experts in almost every area you can imagine – from writers, to website developers to graphic artists... Whatever you need for your business Elance has the resources to fulfill them.

Just think about it, the biggest and most powerful companies grow and prosper by outsourcing various divisions of their business to the experts. Look at Donald Trump. You won’t find him sitting at a desk crunching accounting figures or plastering drywall. Nor would you see Bill Gates fixing bugs in his computers or cleaning bathrooms where he employs his billion dollar team of experts. He leaves the figuring out up to them. Both Trump and Gates know what they want and delegate tasks in order to get the job done. That’s what you need to focus on. Leave it up to the experts to take care of tasks you have no knowledge of or would rather not do.

To begin using the services of Elance simply sign up by clicking on the “Sign in or Register” button at the top right hand corner of their homepage and it’s fairly straightforward from there.
However, once you do decide to use services, it is important to try and test your potential contractors. For example, this is what I do when I hire someone to design my websites... I say:

Here’s what the website I want it to be about, here’s some things about the website. Can you throw up a mock-up for me? Any good, professional contractor would be happy to do a mock-up for you for free to win the contract. They understand that in order to be hired you need to see a mock up first to ensure they can clearly interpret what it is you want and as close to your specifics as possible. You want someone who can do the job! The potential contractor will gladly throw up their design idea for your website based on the specifics you provided to them in the hopes that they’ll be hired. Once you take a look at all of your submissions you can then choose the one you’re most happy with. That’s the best way to outsource your job. This is how I find my best contractors.

Take the time to get as many bids as possible. But more importantly, test your contractors! This will ensure you properly leverage your time and money.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven't signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:

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