Thursday, April 17, 2008

Does Your Squeeze Page Make the Grade?

Like most online websites, your site probably has a squeeze-page and offers your readers good information. Your visitors simply opt-in and sign up for whatever it is you are offering them and automatically get sent information. What a great concept! However, are you getting the most signups possible? Any idea what your sign-up conversion rate is? Well, if you haven't already tested your squeeze pages to see how well they are performing look no further. I have done it for you!

There are many things you can do to your squeeze-page to ensure your opt-in rate is the highest it can possibly be. You want to make sure your visitors are intrigued and are lured in by your opt-in page. But you can only do this if you know the "graphical rules" of a good opt-in or shall I say squeeze- page as it is commonly referred to as.

Rules to Increase Your Opt-In/Squeeze-Page Conversion Rate:

If you are going to put benefits on your squeeze-page, I have found that if you have bullets, your squeeze-page should have three, maybe five bullets max - that's it! Notice I did not say four or two. That's because you should not use even numbers. Use odd numbers. We've found an odd number of bullets increases conversion.
The button on your squeeze page should say something like "Grab this information" or "Grab this free e-book." You can to put a caret - which is a greater than sign symbol. It's right above the period. Use the carets to point to the button as this will often increase your conversion.
Putting a red box around your opt-in also increases your conversion on your squeeze-page.
So, those are some key things to implement right away because if you increase your conversions on your squeeze page, it'll increase your sales. That means more people are buying from you which means more money in your pocket!

You must also remember that in your autoresponder sequence the first day your visitor signs up, you should immediately send them a welcome message. Follow that up with some good information related to your niche. Send this information about an hour after your welcome message. A lot of autoresponders don't offer hourly notifications. However, if you use the software I highly recommend and have told you about continuously – Autoresponse Plus, this software has this capability.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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