Sunday, June 24, 2007

Do you know these 3 Internet Business Secrets?

Internet Business Secret #1: Affiliate marketing
You can promote other people’s products through affiliate marketing. This is a great way to earn income. Affiliate marketing brochure points out the benefits of being their affiliate. Most brochures make it sound a whole lot better then it really is. For example, the brochure may say…

“It costs nothing to get started. You can get paid without having your own website. Earn commissions. Don’t have to store products. All you have to do is drive traffic to the website.”

This is all true only IF you know how to drive traffic to a website. The concept is great, but driving traffic to their website is usually difficult it you don’t know how. This is why very few people are successful at marketing other people’s products.

However, you can drive an intense amount of traffic to your affiliate’s website if you know how to use the article traffic system.

Step #1. Article that you write or buy on the topic of the website or product. If you’re not a writer then pay someone else to write the article.

Step #2. Submit the article to Internet article directories. ( and The bottom of the article should contain your bio, a link to your website, and say that they can sign up for a free report or eBook by clicking on a link to the website. You can build a list this way because traffic will go to the website and sign up. Do this once a week.

Step #3. Take the same article and post it to your BLOG.

Step #4. Send the article in a newsletter. This will bring traffic to the website. You are receiving traffic from thousands of different places on the Internet. Your articles become viral as they travel around the Internet. You also obtain high quality links.

TIP: Technorati tracks Blogs. Technorati has found that there are at least 50 million Blogs on the Internet.

TIP: Use “WordPress” to Blog. Install “WordPress” on your website. It sits on your own server and can be optimized. You can have additional plug-ins. Traffic comes to your domain. Plus, it’s easy to use.

Internet Business Secret #2: Copy writing. Outsource copy writing if you don’t like to write or don’t have the time.

Internet Business Secret #3: Product creation. You should develop your own products, so you can keep ALL profit from the products. If you solely promote other people’s products through affiliates or joint ventures you will only earn part of the profit.

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