Tuesday, October 23, 2007

“The Million Dollar Blueprint Platform – Part IV”

Are you still working on your million dollar blueprint platform? You are almost at the end. You can see the finish line. There are just a few more steps to go. Read on to find out steps 13-16 and how to apply them to your business.

Step #13: It’s really important to sell when you get in front of people. You are giving customers ways to continue their education and learn more. It is your right and obligation to provide information to your customers through your products and services. So sell, sell, and sell some more! Don’t just talk, but sell at the end of your presentation.

Step #14: You want to address the most common objections for moving forward. Determine this ahead of time. Ask yourself – “What stops people from buying the product?” Ask people this too so you can get feedback. Then figure out the answers to these questions as to why these objections can be overcome by your product or service. Incorporate this into your presentation.

Examples of objections:
- Spouse and family members object to the purchase.
- I don’t have time.
- I don’t have the money.

Step #15: Just do it! Don’t sit around and think about it. Get up and take action. NOW!

Step #16: The absolute most important thing is to give people clear instructions on how to respond to your presentation and sales pitch. For example you can say, “What I want you to do right now is get your purse or wallet, pull out your credit card, fill out the form, and send your money to…go to the website and click on this button”

You have to be direct. People will be confused unless you give them the specific steps. Don’t just assume that they know how to get your product. You have to hold their hand. The more you do that, the more sales you will get.

Once you finish working through Step #16 then you can pat yourself on the back because you have created your million dollar blueprint platform. Congratulations!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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