Friday, October 19, 2007

“One Email = $87,500 Profit”

Did that headline grab you? How could you earn $87,500 profit from sending one email? It’s simple. You send an email through a Joint Venture. This joint venture was an email sent the day before Christmas. The joint venture partner changed the wording of the copy I had written. The email I gave them wasn’t the email that he sent out. So who knows – I could have earned even more money.

So here are the real numbers…
They sent the email to 39,000 people. 5.5% clicked on link in the email. I sold 502 Free CDs. I collected $3,600 for the shipping and handling.

Here’s the secret of the amazing profit…
We were offering the people that bought the CD a free phone session. During this free phone session we get on the phone with them and up sold to them. We were going to up sell them to a $3,500 product. Of the 502 people that bought the free CD, 80% ended up scheduling a phone session. Of these 400 people, we sold the $3,500 product to 1 out of every 16 people. So 25 people bought the $3,500 which accounts for the $87,500 profit. We earned this from sending out one email.

Let’s go back to the free CD for a moment. Many people wonder how to handle fulfillment. How much will fulfillment cost you?
There are two ways to run fulfillment:
1. You can do it yourself. It will cost $1 for the CD and 73 cents for postage in the continental US. So we charge $5.77 for the CD and pay $1.73 for mailing it and for whoever is making the CD and mailing it.

2. Have somebody else do it for you. This will cut more into your profit, but sometimes doing your own fulfillment can become tedious.

So take this example to heart and realize that through up selling you can earn thousands of dollars from one email in a joint venture!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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