Thursday, October 18, 2007

“Two Amazingly Powerful Ways to Drive Traffic to your Squeeze page”

Do you know the basics of getting customers to buy products from you? You have to create a squeeze page. You have to drive traffic to your squeeze page. You can offer a free CD that customers can get if they only pay the cost of shipping and handling. After they buy the free CD, you get the customer on the phone and up sell to them.

Let’s go back to driving traffic to your squeeze page. What are some ways to accomplish this? The three ways are to write articles, use Google Adwords, and to participate in joint ventures.

Let’s take a look at articles. You can write your articles which will cost you time. You may want to outsource this job to Freelance Writers on How much will it cost you to write and submit these articles?

Let’s look at the Elance numbers:
I’ve found that the average cost to have 3 articles written is $131. So $43.92 per articles.

Then to get each article submitted you will have to pay $20/article. This submits articles to 152 locations. This is done by hand.

Or you can use Article Submitter Pro software where it sends the article to 800 locations which takes the same amount of time. So using this software is in your best interest.

You should set the follow goals regarding your articles:
1. Get 10 articles written as written as soon possible. This will cost approximately $439. + $20 * 10 articles = $639.
2. Get 100 articles written as soon possible. This will cost approximately $4390 + $2000 = $6,390

Why is it so critical to send out 100 articles? When you submit articles, they are not only submitted to the article locations you submit to, but people who are also looking for content will find your article. These articles can be copied onto their website, if they include your bio and link. This is viral marketing and will get your name all over the Internet at no extra work.

Articles are amazing. They get passed around the Internet over and over. So you get a lot of bang for your buck.

The next way to drive traffic to your website is through Google AdWords.
Let’s look at my numbers of the 6 month average for his company. Max cost per click was 20cents. Click through rate was 1.1. You want to shoot for a click through rate of 3 and higher.

Spent approximately $15,000 over 6 months. Average placement was #4 on Google. Average conversion rate was 8.4%. Average squeeze person cost $1.87.
Each month spent $2,518 on Google AdWords which brought in l,586 subscribers per month.

But what about the free CD page? It is converting at 25-28%. This means that we get 336 buyers from this free CD page. So we make a lot of money off of each free CD. Plus, these people buy a lot more of our products.

Basically, the money that I invest in my marketing always comes back to me and then some. You have to spend money to make money. Put your money in marketing and then reinvest back into marketing to make every more profit.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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