Sunday, February 10, 2008

“6 Powerful Opt-In List Building Techniques”

What techniques can you use to get people to sign up for your opt-in list?

List Technique #1: Tell people what to expect when they click the submit button on your website and are added to your list. It is the law of expectation. People are less likely to click on the submit button if they have no idea what they are going to get in return.

List Technique #2: Tell people exactly what you want them to do. Tell them that you want them to type in their name and primary email address. Tell them to then hit the submit button. Use direct language.

List Technique #3: Don’t be shy. Ask for what you want. Don’t be scared of offending somebody by asking them to sign up for your list and to buy your products. You need to cater to as many audiences as possible. Be careful about the words you choose, but still be more forceful. On the Internet you have to be more direct and forceful because you are not face to face with the customer.

List Technique #4: Also take customer replies with a grain of salt. Let’s say that you have a pop up on your website. You may have somebody write you because they are mad about the pop ups. They may write a long letter about how pushy you are. Remember that is just one person’s opinion. Don’t feel bad and don’t let it deter your efforts. It is impossible to please everybody all the time. Plus, 99% of your list might love the pop ups!

List Technique #5: Another technique that works is to put a red box around the submit button. This draws the focus of attention to submit button and signing up for the list.

List Technique #6: Remember to ask for the “primary” email address. Many people have several email addresses and you want to contact them through the email address that they use most often. Plus, you want to prevent them from typing in a fake or hardly-used web email address.

Follow these list building techniques and you will have a quality list in no time.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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