Monday, February 04, 2008

“Create your own eBook in 48 hours or less!”

Did you know that 99% of all eBooks are created incorrectly? Too many Internet businesses have no idea how to create an eBook. They don't have the knowledge in order to take an eBook and create it the right way.

How do you create an eBook correctly? Look to a standard hard copy book for guidance. How is the book formatted? What is the layout? What content is covered? How are the topics structured? Use this as a guide to write and format your eBook. If you want your eBook to be perceived as a high value product then use the same standards as a traditional hard copy book.

Seek out the opinions and suggestions about your eBook from people that you respect. Don't just ask your family members. Ask people that have business acumen and an expertise level that you respect. You need an objective point of view. You need somebody to be brutally honest with you and will give you the straight up opinion about your eBook. Ask them to tell you how to make your eBook better and how to get it to stand out from the crowd.

The first page of your book is the first impression that your customer will have about the eBook. Your first page must grab your reader and wow them. If you neglect the first page then your eBook may be tossed in the virtual trash bin at the hands of an annoyed customer.

What content should you put in your eBook? Let's say that you wanted to write an eBook on acne. You might not be an acne expert, but have found a niche market for this eBook and accompanying products. You don't have to write acne content from scratch. Instead, you can compile information already written about acne.

Here's how to compile information and create your own eBook within 48 hours:
Step 1: Go to the Internet and type in the term "acne articles".
Step 2: Highlight the entire article including the resource box at the bottom of the article. Do this for several articles.
Step 3: Use the bio box to contact the author each article. Tell each author that you are writing an acne eBook and wanted to use their article. Explain that you will include their bio and link to their website. Therefore, it is free advertising for them.
Step 4: Craft the eBook by compiling the articles that have permission from the authors.
Step 5: Turn the word document into a PDF file.
Step 6: Your eBook is done!

Tip: Don't spend time thinking about your eBook. If you think too much then you will impede your process. You will complicate things which results in laziness and a resistance to finishing the eBook. If you can't compile and craft your eBook in 48 hours or less than you are thinking too much. Just do it and don't think! Don't overcomplicate things.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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