Saturday, February 02, 2008

“Do you act like your Internet business mentor?”

Imagine this. You spent days or even weeks sifting through all the mentors available to you. You have targeted the top mentors in your niche. You settled on one mentor that you can trust. This mentor has a legitimately successful business. This mentor definitely makes more money then you. Plus, they have provided legitimate proof that shows they make the amount of money that they claim. You’ve selected the mentor you trust and want to learn from, but what is the next step?

What should you do when you find a mentor? Study everything they do. Read everything they have written. Buy and study their products and services. Take time to analyze the steps and actions they have taken. Watch how they do things. How did they deal with online marketing? Who do they talk to? What seminars do they go to?

Take this a step further by asking why they took certain actions. Make a logical assessment as to why they took a certain action. Overtime you will get to know this individual. You can build a relationship that allows you to email them or call them on the phone. This is relationship is valuable for many reasons.

For example, let’s say that they made a major change in the format of their website. You can send them an email asking them why they changed their website. They may or may not answer. If they do answer then you can find out firsthand the logic behind this website change. You can then determine whether or not the same change would benefit your own Internet business.

When you follow a mentor you reprogram your brain. You think and act like your mentor. You model their choices and behavior. Guess what results from this? You become just like your mentor and often achieve the same level of success. Modeling is very effective. Model your mentor and become your mentor. This will ramp up your level of success for not only the short term, but the long term as well.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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