Monday, March 24, 2008

Are Name Squeeze Pages Only Meant for Certain Types of Products?

If you are considering having a name squeeze page also known as an autoresponder or opt-in page to sell a product you’re definitely on the right track! It really doesn’t matter what your product is even if your products are outside of the internet marketing niche an opt-in page is a definite must. Whether you’re selling an inexpensive e-book at $19.95 or a high-ticket item like an LCD or camera that sells for $1000 you’ll still require an autoresponder sequence to capture your visitors and potential customers. Once you capture those names they are now your list that you can market to time and time again.

Why should you pay for an autoresponder service when it doesn’t guarantee a sale?

Well, as previously mentioned, once you have the visitors contact information, you now own that information and can sell to them at any time in the future. Even if you pay an autresponder service $30 per month, just think how many sales you can make with your list over that month period and into the coming months! It’s most likely you’ll be making well over $30 per customer so a monthly fee of $30 per month is relatively miniscule.

Capture is Key

The way to lure people into your opt-in page is to let them know that you can share with them the best way to get the best deal and find the best products! Once they opt-in to your list they will discover one of the most amazing LCD - plasma TV’s they could ever imagine. And then on the next page they would be led to a sales page where you’re offering that product – in this case or the LCD – plasma tv. But I’d have them always “squeeze in” or have a way that you could capture their information to make sure you have ownership of their contact information so that you can keep marketing similar products to them in the future that may be of interest to them.

If you are looking for a good autoresponder system, consider one of the top opt-in platforms used by the top online marketers and website owners. Aweber is the most cost effective, efficient and complete package with Unlimited Autoresponders, Follow Ups, Newsletters capabilities and support 24/7.

Why consider Aweber Autoresponder System? Consider these advantages they offer on their homepage at

• Reliable, >99.34% email deliverability, fast.
• 51+ Templates for newsletter and follow up design.
• Easily create and add opt-in web forms to your website.
• Free training guides and videos.
• Expert unlimited free customer support.

Remember to capture and test your list. See what works best for your market so that you can reap greater rewards in the future.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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