Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Free Telecall with My Mother...

For the first time ever, I'm
bringing my mom on my telecall to share with you...

...exactly the things that my parents did differently
that helped me become the person I am right now.

She is going to share stories of how
they helped turn on my marketing mind at
a very young age and created thoughts of becoming
a millionaire.

The telecall: "Raising a Millionaire"

Will be held on Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
at 9:00 PM Eastern

Go here to sign up right now:


Go above and sign up right now!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. FYI: We grew up lower middle class.
There really hasn't been any millionaires in
the family since the 1700's - we think...

Go below to sign up right now:
