Thursday, October 04, 2007

“5 Tips to a $100,000 Teleseminar”

You’ve set up the phone lines and booked a guest to speak on your teleseminar. Think you’re now ready to make a run for $100,000 teleseminar? Read these tips to figure out if you are ready or if there is still more work to do.

Tip #1: Send out the right number of emails at the right time. Let’s say that you are going to have a teleseminar on Thursday at 9pm. You should send out at least two emails about the teleseminar.

Send the first email on Tuesday at 11am which will let people know about the call. This email will also drive people to the squeeze page announcing the call. Once they sign up on this squeeze page they should sent an email that gives them the telephone number and pin code for the call.

Send the second email on the day of the call. In this case you would send the email on Thursday at 11am. This email will contain instructions about how to get on the call.

The best times to send out emails are 11am and 3pm. Use the time zones that you live in.

Tip #2: Make sure you do the following during the teleseminar.
- Use the million dollar blueprint formula as a script.
- If you are going to have somebody else to talk on the call, don’t bring somebody that doesn’t know how to sell. You have to know how to sell to make $100,000 on the call.
- When you are looking for somebody to talk on your call you need to find somebody that can also close. Basically, they need to be a great platform speaker.

Tip #3: How do you know if the person you want to talk on your call knows how to sell?
If they know the numbers then they are most likely a great seller. For example, they may say “If you give me 100 people on the call then I’ll convert 21% who buy”. If they hesitate and don’t know numbers then they might not be good salesman.

Your job is to get as many people on the call. Their job is to make sure to get as many people to buy. You help each other. You have to work together. Remember, the seller should have a great presentation and take care of his clients.

Tip #4: Always collect the money. Don’t let somebody else collect the money because you won’t have control about when you get it. You collect the money and pay the salesperson within 30 days.

Tip #5: Make a 50/50 split with the seller. And make sure that they sell something that is worth over $1,000. Don’t sell small products. With a higher ticket product you’ll make MUCH more with fewer items sold. So know somebody that knows how to sell big ticket items.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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